Alan Sondheim



#-1 does not exist.

Everyone died but no one got assassinated...

You see Darkness before the dawn., Tuneless in Gaza, DINGIR SAL LU, and

@rename Alan here.

@audit Alan

Objects owned by Alan (from #0 to #15755):

8K #14773 Alan [#-1 does not exist.]

933b #3915 #-1 does not exist.

675b #9370 Darkness before the dawn. [#-1 does not exist.]

672b #10896 Tuneless in Gaza [#-1 does not exist.]

606b #1847 DINGIR SAL LU [#-1 does not exist.]

625b #2476 @rename Alan [#-1 does not exist.]

-- 6 objects. Total bytes: 11,957.---------------------------------------

@recycle #3915

#-1 does not exist. (#3915) is slated for recycling in 5 minutes.

@recycle #9370

Darkness before the dawn. (#9370) is slated for recycling in 5 minutes.

@recycle #10896

Tuneless in Gaza (#10896) is slated for recycling in 5 minutes.

@recycle #1847

DINGIR SAL LU (#1847) is slated for recycling in 5 minutes.

@recycle #2476

@rename Alan (#2476) is slated for recycling in 5 minutes.

You say, "Ah well, time for death."

Alan laughs!

@recycle #14773

I'll bet that you don't *really* want to commit suicide, do you? If so,

then get a wizard to kill you or program it yourself; there will be no

state-sanctioned self-destruction on *this* MOO...


Alan is crying!


You want me to WHAT? (type `help' for help)


I don't get it. (type `help' for help)


Alan is in a very violent mood!

kill Alan

Alan is plotting to kill Alan.

@dig Death-Machine

Death-Machine (#11930) created.

@describe #11930 as @recycle Alan

Description set.

@go #11930


@recycle Alan

You digitize yourself for reconstruction elsewhere.


Death-Machine is your new home.

@rename me to Clara

Name of #14773 changed to "Clara", with aliases {"Clara"}.

#-1 does not exist. (#3915) recycled.

Darkness before the dawn. (#9370) recycled.

Tuneless in Gaza (#10896) recycled.

DINGIR SAL LU (#1847) recycled.

@rename Alan (#2476) recycled.

@rename Death-Machine to Vulva

Name of #11930 changed to "Vulva", with aliases {"Vulva"}.

[Clara is in Vulva, described as "@recycle Alan."]



First and Last Writing

First and last _writings_ ordains Being with matrix,

Beings with the task of everyday duration. To endure.

First and last _writing_ recuperates the scribbled maternal

In order that a furrow is produced without a hole

Through which writing falls. Last is that _wryting_

In which the hole is in a body, Being sloughs from language,

Beings are forms of invitation.*

Someone would invite Beings to a party, and they have holes.

They wryte and rub themselves raw through pants and dresses

And even coats. There is something funny about noises while

Organs secrete. But that an explanation, in Uruk they'd get

Down dirty drunk too, impress night truths into day lies

Into clay. Well, that's my take on it. But I think of that

Everyday duration and how we're at the end of writing "now."



look here


bOXEd in MY sPAcE yM gRrRL Ym LV

look me


PrTecTeD AgainST AnY & aLL DeVASTATion

She is awake and looks alert.



To pass this on, to pass on, from someone on PMC2, to kill oneself, anni-

hilate one's character permanently, type: eval @recycler:_recycle(player)

and this is what occurs: one's character is recycled, one's objects are

suddenly transformed to the recycler, and the MOO signs you out immedi-

ately. Thus I have eliminated Alan / Clara / #14773 on PMC2, killed off

any remnants of Quota Review Board participation, and hopefully have

avoided further recriminations, neuroses, paranoias, psychoses, failure of

heart and nerve, untoward aggressions, and proliferations of whining, all

accompanied by subtle software changes in an already overwhelmed database.

Which is not to say I will not return as another, the farthest possible

from myself, residue perhaps of a future anterior, or where I would like

to _occur_ in any future exchange, ornamental or not. As for the rest of

you, I would suggest eval @recycler:_recycle(player) without a moment's

hesitation before the darkness descends once again on lands textual, with-

out recourse to absolution, bishops or their mitres, or the Hurrian god

of weather for that matter, Teshub, and his consort, Hebab.

The weather is hurricane, tornado, blizzard, tsunami, monsoon, earthquake,

flood, and the weather is pestilence. MOOs seduce the contaminated. To

annihilate oneself, perhaps to return, perhaps not, is a boon. Seduce me.



What happens when I killed myself on the MOO and where I went

@examine #14773

Recyclable #14773 (#14773) is owned by Hacker (#38).

Aliases: garbage

Garbage object #14773.

@go Vulva


bOXEd in MY sPAcE yM gRrRL Ym LV

@examine here

vULvA (#11930) is owned by Recyclable #14773 (#14773).

Aliases: vULvA

bOXEd in MY sPAcE yM gRrRL Ym LV


Tiffany (#43687)



(forwarded from "Sandra")


Your bad politics are because your not me

and you dont know dont you me

but if you burn that child again

Ill kill you and your bad politics

wont mean shit around here

Your bad politics you quitter walking out like that

because Sandra had no idea like I told you

MOO going down in flames MOO going down in flames

kind of like heating up the mother board

like I told you

Your bad politics you worms get you money

bring you wrap you like those hungered snakes

theyve got wrapped around that doctor symbol

like old Hypocrites says

jerk up the flames jerk up the frames

you can't SEE what the fuss is about


Your bad politics you neurotic you excuses

like you want out theres words for it like kill

or just take the exit bye-bye at-ways will show you

things you never knew existed

when your not so full of RAM

Your bad politics keep spouting to me

and anyone that READS nothing is real so

go down on me baby

but phone-babys all the lines there is

here-baby I pass it to you pass it to you

at-forward at-delete or something or other

yours a gone world baby gone

like you keep spouting like that

