notes : little deaths/The Big Death II

As the end of the millennium approaches, I sense the end of an era.

it will not automatically end at the stroke of midnight, in the year 2001,

but rather, will continue to advance like a glacier moves toward the sea

and grows ready to calve. The inevitability of massive change continues to

grow and there's nothing anyone can do about it, anymore than we humans can

stopper an erupting volcano. Global trends must pursue their own destinies

until they work themselves out. We humans are mere fleas riding on the back

of a great old dog. we go where it goes. Soon, it will die, leaving us in

the lurch until another great dog comes along. we are trapped in an

inevitable cycle of life, death and rebirth. The question isn't whether the

dog will die or not, but when. The longer that we linger in sickness and

decay, the longer we must wait for renewal and transformation.

The world's population cannot continue on as it has. Like an

overabundance of fleas, we are slowly draining our host of all vitality.


Scientists tell s we have 70 more years worth of non-renewable

fossil fuel. The more scarce it becomes, the more blood will be shed over

it. No wonder Yeat's beast plods the desert sands...that's where the oil



Violent Crime in the South

according to FBI Statistics, violent crime has increased more

dramatically in the south during the last 10 years than in any other region

of the country. Violent crime rose an average of 38.4% nationwide between

1984 and 1993. But the violent crime rate-the number of crimes reported per

100k people- rose by more than 60% in all southern states.


You don't have the guts...

In June, Damian Michael Toya, 22, pleaded guilty to voluntary

manslaughter in Albuquerque, NM for shooting his father to death. Toya

claimed his father had long ridiculed him for being gay and unmanly.

According to Toya, the father's last words, when Toya pointed the gun at

him, were, "You don't have the guts to do it."


Mortality Rates

In the USA in 1991 there were about 1,000 deaths per 100k men and

600 deaths per 100k women. However, among blacks, the mortality rate was

1,500 per 100k men and 850 per 100k women.

Homicide rates among Americans in 1955 = 7 per 100k.

In 1991, the rate was 66 per 100 k for black men and 16 per 100k for all others.


Sudden Death

Sergei Grinkov, who won two Olympic pairs figure skating gold medals with

his 24 year-old wife Ekaterina Gordeeva, collapsed while practicing Sunday

and died of a heart attack. He was 28 year old.


24 Methods of Execution

Fire ants in the pants, the toilet drowner, buried alive, lowered

head-first into a section of water-filled sewer pipe that will also serve

as a casket. Lowered head-first via crane into a swimming pool. Low-voltage

electrocution, head in the box twisto-flex neck breaker, garrote chair,

drill-press chair, plastic bag over the head, cremated alive, crucifixion,

crushed by a Herst tool, live burial at sea, The hornet box, boiled alive,

huge shredding machine: like a tree grinder. Freezing to death in giant

freezer. Shoved off a tall building into a giant funnel. Dropped into an

active volcano by helicopter. A simple shot to the back of the head.


"Like children falling asleep over their toys we relinquish our

grasp on earthly possessions only after death overtakes us..."


Thomas Grey in his "Elegy in a Country Churchyard". ...All that

beauty, all that wealth e're gave,/awaits alike th' inevitable hour:/ the

paths of glory lead but to the grave.""There was a time when we were not;

this gives us no concern-why, then, should it trouble us that a time will

come when we cease to be?"

-William Hazlitt


epidemiology: Rabies on the Increase

According to the CDC, human deaths from rabies infections set a

record in 1994, with six deaths. Four of the six deaths were traced to

bats. Animal rabies has been increasing for several years. In 1993, 10,000

animals tested positive for rabies.


epidemiology: germ warfare: Biological Weapons

United Nations Weapons inspectors say that Iraq purchased 39 tons

of media for breeding germs in 1988. Much of the media is unaccounted for.

There are two possibilities: the media may be hidden somewhere in Iraq, or,

it may have already been used to produce anthrax and botulism, both of

which can be spray-dried and kept alive in spore form. Iraq has the germ

fermenters, the spray-dryers, and the machinery needed to pack the germs

into artillery shells and missiles. I doubt that it will be too long before

biological weapons come into usage. The insidious thing about Bio weapons

is that they can be used with relative anonymity.


Book Notes: The Myth of Male Superiority

William Farrel served for 3 years on the Board of Directors of the

National organization for Women in NYC.

"When women criticize men it is called insight, assertiveness,

women's liberation or independence or high-self-esteem. When men criticize

women it is called sexism, male chauvinism, defensiveness, rationalization

or backlash. Soon men were no longer expressing their feelings. Then they

got criticized for not expressing their feelings."


"All of men's emotional eggs are invested in one basket.

Women don't feel the effects of mini skirt power, cleavage power and

flirtation power-men do."

The weakness of men is the facade of strength, and the strength of

women is the facade of weakness.

pg. 31: Suicide is one of the best indicators of powerlessness. Until boys

and girls are nine, their suicide rates are identical, From 10 to 14, boys

rates are 2x as high as girls. From 15 to 19, boys rates are 4x as high.

>From 20 to 24, boys rates are 6x as high.

As boys experience the pressure of the male role, their suicide

rate increases 25,000 percent. The suicide rate of men over 85 is 1,350%

higher than for women in the same age group.

pretty young women are genetic celebrities.

Women as a package deal (with children)--- men as wallets.


Pg. 79: When a woman says she wants male sensitivity and then falls in love

with a football player, surgeon or rock star, she gives the male the

message that he'll get the most love when he is most unbalanced-most

focused on his work, most focused on becoming a hero, had she fallen in

love with a sensitive nurse, an altruistic artist, or an empathetic

cabdriver, she would have provided a real vote for civilized man.

"The woman is life, and the man is the servant of life." -Joseph


pg. 85: Female beauty is the world's most potent drug.

Only women expect something in return for sex.

"I govern the Athenians, my wife governs me."-Themistocles, 528-462 BC


Pg. 100: When we select certain types of men and women to have children

with, each child becomes a vote for the type of man or woman we want. men

are selected more for their ability to win than their ability to nurture.

Pg. 106: 94% of occupational deaths occur to men.


Pg. 113: Death from cancer has increased 400% more for firefighters than

the population at large. The average age for cancer deaths for firefighters

is 52.

The disposable sex versus the protected sex

Every society rests on the death of men. -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Pg. 126: "War will end when, worldwide, men's lives are no more disposable

than women's.

It is not appropriate for women to engage in combat... to be

captured or shot as opposed to pushing a button someplace in a missile

silo.-Sandra Day O'Connor, Supreme Court Justice


The pro-choice woman and the no-choice man.

Pg. 130: registering all our 18-year-old sons for the draft in the event

the country needs more soldiers is as sexist as registering all our

18-year-old daughters for child-bearing in the event the country needs more



Pg. 133: The Pregnant navy syndrome: the phenomenon of a woman benefiting

from technical training and then, just before her ship's being deployed,

becoming pregnant so as to qualify for shore leave and not being deployed;

or becoming pregnant immediately after her ship is deployed, thus allowing

her to shirk responsibilities, forcing her shipmates to pick up the slack.

More than 40% of the women on ships like the USS Acadia became pregnant

during work-up for deployment. Lieutenant Roberta Spillane, USN: "Women on

ships, can we survive?" Proceedings (of the US Naval Institute) July, 1987,

pg. 44.


Pg. 135: refusing to register for the draft: the multi-option woman and the

no-option man. Violation of the 14th amendment's guarantee of equal

protection under the law, the basis of almost all civil rights legislation.


Pg. 136: The women's Corps of the Israel Defense Forces is called CHEN,

which is Hebrew for charm.


Pg. 145: Joel Osher Brende and Erwin Parson, "Vietnam veterans: the Road to

recovery", page 75: More Vietnam veterans have committed suicide since the

war ended than were killed in the Vietnam war itself.

60% of all combat veterans were psychiatric casualties. Post

traumatic stress syndrome: "...sometimes even in broad daylight, faces of

the dead come to life."

US 96th Congress, 1st session, House of representatives Committee

on Veteran's Affairs, presidential review memorandum on Vietnam veterans.

(Washington DC house Committee print no. 38, 1979, released October 1978.

Report listed 29,000 veterans in state or federal prison, 37,500 on parole,

250,000 under probation supervision, and 87,000 awaiting trial.


Pg. 155: The adults of the 1990's are a generation of men criticized for

what they were obligated to do by a generation of women privileged enough

to escape the obligation.


Pg. 164: the suicide sex: if men have the power, why do they commit suicide

more? Pg. 164: a husband whose wife dies is about ten times more likely to

commit suicide than a wife whose husband dies.

Unemployed men commit suicide at 2x the rate of employed men. among

women, there is no difference in the rate of suicide based on whether or

not the woman is employed.

The suicide rate of adolescent boys has recently increased 3x as quickly as

the girl's. Just 20 years ago, young men (between the age of

25-34)committed suicide at only 2x the rate of young women; today it is 4x

the rate. (men's rate increased 26% while women's rate decreased 33%.)

Men must perform, pursue and pay to earn their equality with girl's


The suicide class is 91% white, usually well-educated, and at least


Karoshi = Japanese term for death from over-work.


A man with a vasectomy is 4x more likely to have prostate cancer

than one without it.

The alcoholism rate among lawyers is almost 2x as high as among the

general population.

Pg. 203: in the past 20 years, sudden deaths among top Japanese executives

have increases 1400%.


Pg. 214: For every woman who is murdered, 3 men are murdered.

Men should not provide for women any more than women provide for men.


223: The average American child watches more that 40,000 people killed on

TV prior to High school graduation. 97% of those killed are men.


The fact that men protect women is a form of indirect nurturance.

when only one sex wins, both sexes lose.-Warren Farrel


46% of all Us mass market paperback books are romance novels. The average

woman who reads romance novels now reads 20 books per month-about 2x as

many as in 1983.

Harlequin Romance formula: a successful man pursues a working woman, she

resists, he overcomes her resistance, and the book ends with her being

"swept away."


Dating: robbery by social custom. he takes money out of his pocket

and gives it to her and calls it a date.


Pg. 323; When the US Air Force investigated 556 cases of alleged rape, 27%

of the women eventually admitted they lied. Charles P. McDowell, Ph.D.,

"False allegations" Forensic Science Digest, Vol. 11, No 4, Dec 1985, pg.



Pg. 322: In a study of police files from a major midwestern city and a

southwestern city, McDowell found that 60% of the rape accusations were



In order to get an abortion, Norma McCorvey, the "Jane Roe" of Roe

vs. Wade, claimed she was raped. Fourteen years later, she acknowledged

that she had lied. -Kenneth B. Noble "Key Abortion Plaintiff Now Denies She

Was Raped" The new Your Times, Sept 9, 1987, Pg. A-23.



>From the WEEKLY WORLD NEWS, May 24, 1994

MOSCOW -- Doctors are blaming a rare electrical imbalance in the brain

for the bizarre death of a chess player whose head literally exploded

in the middle of a championship game!


No one else was hurt in the fatal explosion but four players and three

officials at the Moscow Candidate Masters' Chess Championships were

sprayed with blood and brain matter when Nikolai Titov's head suddenly

blew apart. Experts say he suffered from a condition called

Hyper-Cerebral Electrosis or HCE.


"He was deep in concentration with his eyes focused on the board,"

says Titov's opponent, Vladimir Dobrynin. "All of a sudden his hands

flew to his temples and he screamed in pain. Everyone looked up from

their games, startled by the noise. Then, as if someone had put a bomb

in his cranium, his head popped like a firecracker."


Incredibly, Titiov's is not the first case in which a person's head

has spontaneously exploded. Five people are known to have died of HCE

in the last 25 years. The most recent death occurred just three years

ago in 1991, when European psychic Barbara Nicole's skull burst. Miss

Nicole's story was reported by newspapers worldwide, including WWN.

"HCE is an extremely rare physical imbalance," said Dr. Anatoly

Martinenko, famed neurologist and expert on the human brain who did

the autopsy on the brilliant chess expert. "It is a condition in which

the circuits of the brain become overloaded by the body's own

electricity. The explosions happen during periods of intense mental

activity when lots of current is surging through the brain. Victims

are highly intelligent people with great powers of concentration. Both

Miss Nicole and Mr. Titov were intense people who tended to keep those

cerebral circuits overloaded. In a way it could be said they were

literally too smart for their own good."


Although Dr. Martinenko says there are probably many undiagnosed

cases, he hastens to add that very few people will die from HCE. "Most

people who have it will never know. At this point, medical science

still doesn't know much about HCE. And since fatalities are so rare it

will probably be years before research money becomes available."


In the meantime, the doctor urges people to take it easy and not think

too hard for long periods of time. "Take frequent relaxation breaks

when you're doing things that take lots of mental focus," he



Money, Fame & Suicide

* Actor Marlon Brando's daughter Cheyenne-whose half-brother killed

her lover some time ago in the movie actor's Hollywood Hills home-has

committed suicide in Tahiti. She hanged herself at her home.

* Actor Caroll O'Connor's 33 y/o adopted son Hugh, who co-starred

with O-Connor in the TV show "In the Heat of the Night" recently shot

himself to death.


Shakespeare's 18th sonnet:

Nor shall death brag thou wandrest in his shade,

When in eternal lines to time thou growest,

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,

So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


Infections are Leading cause of Mortality on Planet

Infectious and parasitic diseases are the leading causes of

mortality on the planet, according to the World Health Organization.

Infections accounted for nearly one-third of the 51 million deaths in 1993.



Booklet: The Family Fallout Shelter



"A committee of the National Academy

of Sciences, in a recent study of national

preparedness concluded

Adequate shielding is the only

effective means of preventing

radiation casualties."





Let us take a hard look at the facts. In an atomic war, blast,

heat, and initial radiation could kill millions close to ground zero of

nuclear bursts.

Many more millions-everybody else-could be threatened by

radioactive fallout. But most of those could be saved.

The purpose of this booklet is to show how to escape death from


(The booklet goes on to tell how to construct an underground

shelter with walls made of ten-inch brick. The brick and wood beam ceiling

is then covered by an additional sixteen inches of dirt.)


We've Produced a Generation of Psychopaths

According to FBI crime statistics, violent and nonviolent crime

reported to the police dipped in 1994 for the third consecutive year,

however, the rate at which male teenagers commit murder is increasing at

alarming rates. According to James Alan Fox, dean of the College of

Criminal Justice at Northeastern University in Boston, "the rate adults

commit crime is dropping fast, but the rate at which boys are committing

crimes, particularly homicide, is skyrocketing."


FBI data from 1985-93 show that the number of adults age 25 or

older committing murder decreased 20% But Homicides committed by 18-to

24-year-old males increased 65% and by 14-to 17-year-old males by 165%.


The following statistics were compiled by the nation's police forces and

reported to the Department of Justice.

* In 1990, a total of 24,932 homicides were reported.

* 43.7 of the identified killers were white or Hispanic and 54.7

percent were black.

* Whites made up 83.9% of the population that year, and blacks 12.3%.

* The rate of homicide committed by whites was 5.2 per 100K, and by

blacks, 44.7 per 100k, or about 8x as great.

* The victimization rate for white males was 9.o per 100k and for

white females 2.8 per 100k. For black females it was 13.5, and for black

males 69.2.

* 90% of the killers were male. Virtually none were 14 or younger,

but 16% were aged 15-19, 24% were 20-24, and 20% were 25-29.

* The white and black populations both suffered about 12,000

homicides in 1990.

* In 1965, the national rate of illegitimacy for blacks was 26%. In

1975, the rate had jumped to 50%, and in 1990, two-thirds of all black

children are illegitimate.

* The overwhelming majority of prison inmates are male. of the

789,700 male inmates in 1992, almost 51%, or 401,700 were black, and nearly

all the remaining 388,000 were white.

* In 1992, of every 100,000 white and Hispanic male residents, 307

were prisoners. Of every 100,000 black male residents, 2,678 were



Government Officials Diddle as the Country Crumbles

On the Fourth of July, the House overwhelmingly (312-120) approved

a constitutional amendment designed to protect the American flag from

burning and other forms of desecration. The measure will now go to the

senate. The law would permit congress or any state to enact flag-protection

laws of the type the supreme court has struck down in recent years as an

infringement of free expression.



"Alive, a man is supple, soft;

in death, unbending, rigorous.

all creatures, grass and trees, alive

are plastic but are pliant too,

and dead, are friable and dry.


Unbending rigor is the mate of death,

and unyielding softness, company of life:

unbending soldiers get no victories;

the stiffest tree is readiest for the ax.

The strong and mighty topple from their place;

the soft and yielding rise above them all."

-Lao Tzu


He Should Have Stayed in Northern Ireland

News: For 20 years, Johnny Peters survived life in Northern Ireland,

unscathed by riots, terrorism and sniper fire. But three days after

arriving in New Orleans, peters was shot while waiting for a street car. He

said a car screeched up and a masked gunman got out and shot him without

warning or provocation.


Disease: Pneumonia Deaths on the Increase

According to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta,

Pneumonia-related deaths are on the rise. Deaths from pneumonia have

increased 59% to 32 deaths per 100k.


Going Out With Style

The editor of an adult comic book, George S. Carragonne, age 31,

rode the elevator up to the 45th floor of the Marriott Marquis Hotel in NYC

and then jumped from the balcony. His body smashed into the lobby in front

of dozens of horrified onlookers.


Thursday, August 3rd, 1995

The air is hot and humid. The stench of death is in the air. Smells like

a dead body is lodged in the sewer pipe that runs beneath my front yard. I

smell it whenever the wind turns against me or whenever the air is so still

that the scent of wisteria and jasmine blooms follow a downhill course to

the small span of sun-blasted grass that I refer to as "My yard". That's

when sweet scent of jasmine and wisteria mingles with death's rancid-sweet

odor. If the scent were that of an enemy, then it would be sweet to my

nostrils, but because it is of no one that I know, I hate it as much as an

open grave.

There's no denying it: Death Stinks. The greasy carcass of a

road-killed dog stinking under the eye of a relentless sun.

Bloated bodies of horses and cattle and women and children stare at

the sun with shriveled, unseeing eyes. Dirt infiltrates mouth and nostrils

of the inanimate body and yet the spirit still lives inside. And the

trapped soul shrieks and shrieks for someone-anyone's- attention, but in

spite of its cries, everyone still treats the body as if it were a sack

full of earth.


Kymer Rouge Survivor Shot dead in Chinatown

News: Los Angeles: Dr. Haing S. Ngor, a survivor of Kymer Rouge death camps

who won an Oscar for his portrayal of a fellow Cambodian in "The Killing

Fields" was shot to death outside his home. He was 45 years old. Police

investigators think he was just a victim of random violence.


Atlanta's Crime Rate Continues to Climb

Excerpts taken from an interview with Georgia's Attorney general, Mike

Bowers, talking about Atlanta's crime rate: "I found that there were 67

murders, 44 rapes and 308 robberies in 1960, with a population of 487,000,

and in 1994, with a population of 15 percent less-411,000- we had 191

murders, 422 rapes, and 5,343 robberies." According to statistics provided

by the department of corrections, 64% of all Georgia inmates are black



A Summary of the World

If we could shrink the Earth's population to a village of precisely 100

people. With all existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look

like this:

>There would be 57 Asians, 21 Europeans, 14 from the Western Hemisphere

>(North and South) and 8 Africans. 51 would be female; 49 would be male 70

>would be nonwhite; 30 white. 70 would be non-Christian; 30 Christian. 50%

>of the entire world's wealth would be in the hands of only 6 people and

>all 6 would be citizens of the United States.

80 would live in substandard housing. 70 would be unable to read. 50 would

suffer from malnutrition. 1 would be near death , 1 would be near birth.

Only 1 would have a college education. No one would own a computer.


A study published in the Journal of the American Medical association show

that nicotine addiction kills more people that alcoholism. In the

population of test subjects, 50.9% of the deaths were caused by

tobacco-related illnesses such as lung cancer and respiratory diseases

while only 34.1% caused by alcohol-related illnesses such as liver disease

and gastrointestinal ailments.


Suicide Factoids

Hungary is the world capital with 44 suicides per 100k. Mexico and

Spain have the lowest suicide rates, with less than 5 per 100k. Artists

commit suicide at 10 times the national rate. Writers and poets commit

suicide at 20 times the national rate.

Approximately 30,000 Americans commit suicide each year. Out of

that number, 3/4 (or 22,000) are white males.

One out of seven people who suffer from major depression will commit suicide.

Since the Golden Gate bridge opened in 1937, over 800 people have

jumped to their deaths.


"It is denial of death that is particularly responsible for people

living empty, purposeless lives. For when you live as if you will live

forever, it becomes too easy to postpone the things you know that you must

do. You live your life in preparation for tomorrow or in remembrance of

yesterday, and meanwhile, each day is lost." ---------Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


Thanatologist: one who studies the death process



Book: Living and Dying with Grace,

the counsels of Hadrat Ali 598-661 AD Islamic mysticism

"A man in this world is nothing but a target contested by every way of

death, and prey fallen upon by every misfortune. With every swallow of

drink there is a gagging, and with every bite of food, there is choking.

And no one gets anything but at the cost of something else, and no one

greets a new day of life without having lost another day of life. So we are

assistants of fate, and ourselves are a target of death. So where can you

expect permanence when the night and the day do not promote anything

without soon turning around and attacking and destroying what they have

built, scattering what they have brought together?"



"Men in particular are systematically violent. Violent by temperament."

"What we found from crime statistics gathered from 3 dozen

communities around the world is utterly clear and amazingly consistent.

Australia, Botswana, brazil, Canada, Denmark, England & Wales, Germany,

Iceland, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Scotland, Uganda, the USA and

Zaire: all uncover the same fundamental pattern; with a single exception,

the probability that a same-sex murder has been committed by a man, not a

woman, ranges from 92 to 100%. The one exception, Denmark, registers a

probability of 85%. However, if the special situation of infanticide is

eliminated, 100% of adult same-sex murders were committed by men.


What a Way to Go

Polly Perry, a 54 year-old New Mexico woman decided to try sky

jumping to help overcome her fear of heights. A friend of Perry's said that

heights were her greatest fear, and that she'd taken a seminar to help deal

with it. Perry, when asked before the jump if she was afraid, said, "It

won't be a problem. I'll be strapped to my instructor." She was strapped to

her instructor, Jan McNeal, in a tandem jump. Both of them fell 8,500 feet

to their deaths when their main parachute failed to open.


News: Wardell Lazard, chairman of W.R. Lazard & co., one of the top

minority-owned Wall Street firms, was found dead in a Pittsburgh hotel room

of an apparent accidental drug overdose a year after closing his biggest

deal- a lead role in a #1 billion New York water bond issue- and in the

midst of investigations of his firm's practices. His body was found lying

naked in bed. A white powdery substance on a black platter was next to him,

along with a quarter-full bottle of vodka. Wardell was a 44 year-old black

man. His death got three inches of space in the newspaper.


Caucasian Go-Getter Dead as Age 48

Henry Lassiter, a white male, age 48, started off selling soft

drinks as a boy. He went on accumulate assets worth over $100 million as an

adult. For the past three years, he worked to climb out of bankruptcy and

to clear his name of timber fraud charges. He was just about to deal

himself back into the high-stakes real estate market when he was struck by

a car in Singapore while jogging. He died at the scene.


There cannot be life without death. So long as life exists, the

world will always be full of the dead and dying. In with the new, out with

the old. During a family conference today, Dad told me and Mike that his

mind and body were failing. He cannot concentrate like he used to. He knows

that he is losing it. He knows that he can no longer concentrate or make

sense of long chains of events. He has lost his judgment when it comes to

ordering priorities. He thinks that it's more important to talk about the

problem of weeds growing alongside the stream than about his own imminent


We must die to make room for the living. Life flows in a linear

fashion. Old men take care of old dogs. Dad worries about what would happen

if Chipper got sick over the weekend, when Mike and I were away. He's

lonely, and afraid of being left alone. He doesn't want to die alone, and I

don't blame him. We're all the family he has. The longer one lives, the

more loneliness one must endure. Dad is at the age where all of the people

of his generation are rapidly dying off. Heart attacks, cancers, strokes,

degenerative diseases of the eyes and lungs and the brain itself. One's

brain begins shrinking within the vault, one's mind begins to go fuzzy,

foggy, disconnected, feeble, foolish, childish. As the layers of cortex die

off, the child within reemerges. Memory cells die, releasing their

long-stored chemical messages...distant memories grow bright in the mind.

The child remembers his mother's voice, the long-forgotten smell of her


Old age robs us all. Sequoia centuries, turtle centuries, human

years, dog years, rabbit years, mayfly hours. Some life forms are

programmed to die almost immediately upon birth. They exist long enough to

breed, and then they die, or get killed and eaten by some another life form

that is trying to live another day.

Each day that we live through is a minor triumph. At this point, I

may have about twenty or thirty years left before I become old and frail

and eventually die. My life expectancy is thirty, give five or take all at

any time. No guarantees. Yet we live as if life mattered. What do the

concepts "accomplishment" and "Achievement" mean in relation to ultimate,

unavoidable death?

Why do we struggle so to stay alive and to preserve the lives of

our loved ones when death is inescapable? Isn't the grave the great

leveler? A sudden atomic blast obliterates a million lives, the atoms of

both rich and poor fry in the same grease. What relevance does "rich" or

"poor" have when the spark has left the stove?


Dear God,

When it becomes my time to die,

take me suddenly, in mid-stride,

Don't let me rot on the bone as

so many aging people tend to do.

When it's time for me to make my exit

just blow out the candle and close the door.


Vanity and pride and youth have their day in the sun

but everything fades, everything grows old, everything dies.



Money Magazine, June 1994 issue: According to FBI statistics, blacks

comprise 12.5% of the US population but commit 45% of the crimes. Blacks

are responsible for 55% of murders, 61% of robberies. Whites commit 56% of

rapes and 60% of aggravated assaults.

Guns are used in only 31% of violent crimes.


Crime statistics are now being studied by the CDC as if crime were

a disease.


Life is like a labyrinthine maze of worm tunnels. We travel in the

dark, not knowing where we are going, and sometimes we are forced to choose

between one tunnel or another. The holes wind and interlink their way

through the soil. The surface is analogous to transformation and/or death.

No one can stay exposed to the light for very long without shriveling and

dying. God is the light, and death is a big robin who plucks you from the

soil as you crawl around blindly. There actually ARE different values to

human life, but people are loathe to admit this because they do not know

how one person's life could be evaluated against another-by what criteria-

nor do the know where they would rate on the scale. We humans are NOT all

alike, but rather, some humans are infinitely more valuable to society than

others, and, at least in this regard, it must be argued that there are

indeed differing values to human life. Is a social misfit like Charles

Mansion the equal of a Dr. Jonas Salk, the inventor of the polio vaccine

that saved millions of people from a lifetime of frustration and crippled

desire? I think not.

What did CM do: kill a few Hollywood richnicks, eviscerate a fetus

from its mother? How can CM and JS even be compared in a single sentence?

One's worth is directly related to how many lives one touches and improves

(blesses) with one's attention/interest. Man's ultimate worth is measured

in love units. Money units don't count. Is it better to be remembered (by

humanity) as a Hitler or to not be remembered at all? The vast majority of

us are headed toward a nondescript and imminently forgettable demise.

Death! Grab it by its ears and smell its fetid breath-grin and laugh and

laugh and laugh in Death's face, for no matter how you might suffer, Death

cannot grasp you until your appointed time.


The Devil's Chimney

Beachy Head, England: one hundred yards from James Cunningham's cliff side

pub is a 500-foot sheer white chalk cliff that falls from the empty Susex

Downs to a rocky Atlantic beach. Since 1980, about 200 people have died on

this cliff, all of them recorded as suicides or unexplained sudden deaths.

Last year, 19 people took their lives and 53 were arrested for trying.

Britain's suicide rate among young males, who are the most common

cliff-jumpers, has been increasing. Between 1974 and 1989, the suicide

rate for British males ages 15 to 44 rose about 70%, according to the

government census office.


Chuck Shepard's News of the Weird

News: Tennessee state Rep. Frank Buck, commenting in January on a report on

the death penalty that fixed the cost of lethal injection execution at

$46,000 and of a firing squad at $7,000: "With figures like these, should

we wonder why people don't trust government? I believe I can figure out a

way to shoot somebody for less that $7,000.



How fleeting youth is! The first twenty years take a long time to

pass, but the second twenty years pass dreadfully fast. Another twenty

years takes you to the beginning of the End, and within another twenty

years-if misfortune and disease doesn't claim you sooner- you will cease to

exist. Death! We all deny it, all fear it, yet all must succumb to it.

This life has no purpose as far as I can tell. Everything we do is

utterly futile. Reproduction is the only thing we can do to extend our

sense of life and continuation, but ultimately, this too, is futile. Memory

is all we have. memory is the only evidence that we have ever lived at all,

and memories are utterly ephemeral. We take our memories to the grave.


You are always poised one heartbeat away from death. The meat

doesn't last...nothing does. Man's struggle to become a "success" -to

be somebody- is really a struggle against the anonymity of impending death.

By about the age of six or so, we all learn about this thing called

"death." Most humans fear death so much that they cannot acknowledge its

existence. The thought is so frightening that most people spend their lives

trying to make a mark on this world-something to leave behind, something by

which they will be remembered. But nothing is permanent, not even this

clump of clay we call earth. Sooner or later, it will all cease to exist.

So where can one write his/her name so that it lasts forever? Nowhere!


Holding onto Your Mind

If you want to keep your mind, you must at all costs, continue to

use it. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. How does one evolve from the

Meat Puppet stage to that of sentient being? And once one achieves

sentience, how does one go about maintaining it? The sad fact is that many

people get a glimpse of what it is like to go through life Full Alive, but

only a few can maintain this state for very long. In a way, we are all

fallen angels. We have seen just enough of Satori to know that it truly

exists, but we keep forgetting the process that opened our eyes. An

individual's consciousness usually spends more time asleep than it does

awake. What we call life is little more than a dream. Death is very much

like the sleep of the deeply Chloroformed. The consciousness does not

actually die, but rather, it goes into a kind of psychic hibernation of

indeterminate duration. Sometimes a dormant/dead consciousness sleeps and

dreams for a hundred years" other times, it reawakens in the span of a

single heart-beat.

Lifeanddeath & lifeanddeath goes roundandround like a big, golden wheel.


A Poor Loser Self-destructs

Jeremy T Brenno, age 16, was playing golf at the Kingsboro Golf

Club in Gloversville NY when he made a bad shot off the no. 6 tee. He

slammed his no. 3 wooden club into a bench and the shaft broke,. The broken

shaft snapped back, piercing Jeremy's pulmonary vein, and he bled to death.


US Citizens Used as Guinea Pigs-so What's New About That?

Sept 29, 1994 Atlanta Constitution: Washington: at least 500,000 people

were used as subjects in Cold War-era radiation, biological and chemical

experiments sponsored by the federal government, a congressional agency

said Wednesday. The General Accounting Office told a House Subcommittee

that the tests, conducted from 1940 through 1974, ranged from radiation to

biological and chemical agents such as mustard gas and LSD. Some tests

involved "vulnerable" populations such as prison inmates and hospital

patients. Other human experiments were done on a large scale. From 1949 to

1969, for example, the Army conducted biological warfare experiments that

released radioactive compounds in 239 cities.



Apocalyptic Suicides

News; Apocalypse: Granges-Sur-salvan Switzerland: Authorities have

discovered the apparent mass suicide of 48 members of an apocalyptic cult.

However, the expect the death-toll to rise as they continue to search for

more bodies. The dead were members of a cult called "The order of the Solar

tradition." The founder of the group is a Belgian-born doctor by the name

of Luc Jouret, age 46. Two deaths in Quebec are also linked to the cult. A

man and woman were found dead from apparent suicide. They were both wearing medallions around their necks that showed double-headed eagles and boreLatin inscriptions invoking the fabled four horsemen of the apocalypse.



News; Washington: The number of violent crimes rose 5.6 percent in 1993 to

10.9 million, according to the annual National Crime Victimization Survey

by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The total number of personal and

household crimes-about 43.6 million- edged up 1.7 percent from 1992.

Unlike the FBI's Unified Crime Reports, which counts only crimes

reported to police, the victimization survey includes many incidents the

police never heard about. Also, unlike the FBI report, the Victimization

Survey omits homicides, because the victims can't be interviewed.

* Violent crimes numbered 10.9 million. That's a rate of 51.5 incidents per

1,000 people age 12 and older.

* 9.1 million assaults-up 8.2 percent. The rate was 43 per 1,000 people.

* 1.3 million robberies-up 1 percent. The rate was 6.2 per 1,000.

* 485,000 sexual attacks-down 20.1 percent. The rate was 2.3 per 1,000.

"Crimes of violence are increasing in the face of the prison

population doubling in the last ten years," said James Fyfe, a temple

University criminal justice professor.



Life and breath can be severed in an instant, and then you will

die. Car wreck or the act of childbirth or a hairdryer dropped in the tub:

all have the same result" terminus: terminated: Cessation of cognizant

existence. Death. THE BIG FUCKING IRREVOCABLE END, where everything you

once held dear becomes ZERO.. This is the death of Jesus, relived over and

over again. We are all like Jesus: we live and dance a while on the stage

called 'life" and then we wink out like a distant star and soon-all to

soon-cease to exist.


New Trend: Multiple executions

Arkansas put three killers to death a week or so ago, one-by-one,

in order of their prison serial numbers. The state says that doing so is

more efficient and reduces stress on employees who carry out death

sentences. The three prisoners died by lethal injection. Strangely enough,

the needle that administers the poison was changed after each execution. It

took over three hours to execute the three men. Wouldn't it be a lot

cheaper and more efficient just to shoot them once in the back of the head

with a high-powered rifle?


Some of the world's most esteemed quantum physicists tell us that

if we investigate the nature of matter and our own existence deeply enough,

we will find that on the subatomic level, we do not exist. Were merely

possess a tendency to exist.

Out of all of the major religions of the world, I revere Buddhism

the most. From it I derive my sense of cycles and the inevitable waxing and

waning of human fortunes. Of this I can speak: I know Zen. Zen teaches the

practitioner that all things can be influenced by all other things and vice

versa. Dreams do not simply evaporate, or fall out one's head upon

awakening. The live a life of their own, independent of the life of the

dreamer. The only time that you participate in the fate of all of the

people of whom you have dreamt is when you watch them in your sleep. One

night I dreamt that I sat in a tree overlooking a sidewalk. The whole dream

consisted of watching people walk past. I never spoke to any of them, and

they did not seem to notice me watching them. If I did that same thing in

this life, I would probably be bored to tears, but not in my dream.

Enjoy the earth while it lasts. Life is too short to have a bad

time. There is no such thing as security. Save life, there is nothing which

one cannot do without. Nobody owns anything. The entire concept of property

is a delusion. Everything that belongs to you today will tomorrow lie on

the dung heap.

I need to get myself a more portable computer. Miniaturization is

the way to go. A man may never get rich living off his wits, but he can

survive comfortably. Envy, and a desire to have more than one already has

is the sickness of our age. The Faces of Death, part four, is playing at

theaters near you. These type of movies tend to desensitize the population

to the horrors of mutilation and violent death. AmeriKa is drenched in

death. Death stalks the land as never before, yet hesheit (he+she+it)

remains for the most part, invisible. That is because we humans shield our

eyes when death walks by, just as Moses once shielded his face from God.


Amerika is truly the Beast of the Second Coming, and I am

living within its belly. The horror of life in this day and time is a

never-ending revelation.

Even though I know this, I also know that my very existence on this

planet has contributed to the deaths of a large number of creatures. Every

day I live, I eat meat, whether it be pork, beef, chicken or seafood. Every

day, I eat some kind of flesh. Every day, something must die so that I may

live. I live in a country whose population constitutes five percent of the

world population, yet this same country consumes forty or more percent of

the world's resources. Am I willing to give up my car or home or some of

the food I consume so that others may live? Hell no! The reality of my

every day existence demands that something die in order to provide me with

food. Am I willing to sacrifice some portion of my own comfort so that some

nameless person in some far away land might live? Hell no! All I care about

is my next meal. Fuck the starving people in Somalia. I don't care. All I

ask is that I not have to see pictures of starving people on TV.

I know that it is people with appetites like myself who condone and

permit the Beast to feed on the less fortunate of the world. But what can I

do to change things? I feel utterly helpless. All I am is one ant among

millions who has grown accustomed to eating every day. I know that

something or somebody must die in order for me to live, but this appears to

be the law of the world. Who am I to challenge the status quo?


Life-force Entropy

Need to write about the incredible flow-through of life energy in

this modern world. Life-entropy. Each day in Amerika, hundreds of thousands

of birds and mammals are slaughtered for food. Tons of fish are killed and

processed. Each day, huge numbers of abandoned pets are killed in

government-operated animal shelters. Each day, countless squirrels,

possums, raccoons, birds, deer and assorted pets are killed by automobiles.

Each day, thousands of people die in hospitals. The rate of births and

deaths has never been higher. Most animals used for food only get to live a

fraction of their normal life-spans. This further increases the

life-entropy. Every time a life is cut short, the flow-through increases.

Within the next century, more than five billion people will die.

Average human weight of 150 pounds x 5,000,000,000 = 750,000,000,000 pounds

of human flesh. 750,000,000,000 / 2,000 = 375,000,000 tons of human flesh.

Within the next 100 years, mankind will have to figure out a way to

dispose of 375 million tons of human flesh.

If each person requires approximately 1500 calories of food per

day, and the average person's life span is 70 years, then 38,325,000

calories are required to sustain one person over the span of hisherit


38325000*5000000000 = 1.9162517



Book: Shoot the Women and Children First by Eileen MacDonald.

According to FBI statistics 315,082 man were arrested for and

charged with violent crimes in 1989 compared with 38,104 women.

6% of all violent crimes are committed by women. The majority of these

women have harmed their own children.


FBILEB: May 1991 issue: During the decade of the 1980's, 801 law

enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty. 104 were

killed in 1980 (the highest annual total). 783=male, 18=female. 120 killed

with own weapons. 157 killed while wearing body armor. 71 were ambushed. 2

out of 3 were killed with either a .38 or a .357 magnum.

92% killed by firearms (735). 70% killed with handguns, 13% by rifles, 9%

by shotguns.

46% of officer fatalities took place in the southern states. 18% in the

western states, 17% midwestern, 13% northeastern, 5% US territories.

In addition to those feloniously killed, 60 officers died in

accidental shootings. Total of 713 accidental deaths, with 312 deaths

occurring in the southern states.



Thursday, March 4, 1993


Numerological nonsense: 6+6+6 = 24; 9+9+9 = 27. 24 reduces to 6,

and 27 reduces to 9. Put the two together, and you get 69, which greatly

resembles the Yin/Yang symbol. Perhaps, in the end, the runes of our life

are all a cosmic joke. At the moment of death, when we finally reach the

punch line, we'll all break out laughing as soon as we pop out on the other


Imagine two children stepping out of a slit in space and running

barefoot across a fragrant, chamomile lawn. This may be the way it is to

die. Upon death, your psyche splits into it's yin/yang male/female

components. The being that was one now becomes two- a boy and a girl,

released to live again, in a brand-new world.

Perhaps the boy and girl go their separate ways, or perhaps they

are released at different times or places. Their quest is to find their

alter ego-the perfect mate-their missing half.

At some point in the future, the dead will out number the living.

However, at the present time, the living outnumber the dead. That kind of

blows a hole in the reincarnation theory, doesn't it. If there are more

people living than dead, where are all of the unreincarnated spirits coming


Perhaps there are only a few real people living amongst us, and all

the rest are merely multiplying echoes in a holographic universe.


Life is like being a skydiver without a parachute. At birth, we are

dropped into the Void. At first, we scream in terror, but by and by, we

realize that we're no going to die-just yet. So we settle down to the

business of living as well as we can in the interim, until the ground

finally comes rushing up to greet us.


Teenage Murder Victims

A computer analysis of National FBI statistics by the Atlanta

Journal-Constitution shows that between 1985 and 1991: * The number of

teens murdered between the ages of 15 and 19 increased 101% from 1,347 to

2,702. In 1985, the number of black teens murdered was identical to the

number of white teens murdered: 651.

* The number of black teens murdered jumped 146% compared with 59% increase

for white youths in the same age bracket.

Death's approach-even if still a long way off- tends to bring into

doubt everything that one once held valuable. It also shocks the mind into

realizing that if happiness is to be had at all, one must lunge for it now,

for soon, there will be no place left to go, no place far enough away from

where you are now to escape the awful stench of youth's dead dreams.

Epidemiology: Medicine: Aids: CDC Report on AIDS

The AIDS epidemic in the US has killed 201,775 adults and 2,615

children in 12 years. 100,000 of the victims died within the last two

years, and another 130k to 185k are expected to die in the next 14 months,

said Dr. John Ward of the CDC's HIV/AIDS division. AIDS is now the leading

cause of death for men aged 25 to 44, and it is the fourth leading cause of

death for women.Thursday, November 4, 1993


Women Lose Out When Society Collapses

Russian women are complaining that a "patriarchal renaissance" has

sprung up from the collapsed Soviet Union, pressing women into dramatically

deteriorated conditions. At least 70% of Russia's unemployed are women. The

number of women in official positions has plummeted now that the old system

of sex quotas has been abolished. Women's pay has dropped to less than 40%

of what men earn. The death rate is now exceeding the birth rate for the

first time since W.W. II.In Times of Recession, More Men Lost their Jobs

than Women

According to a new study by the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor

Statistics, men, not women, experience the bulk of net job loss- even

though men and women now hold jobs in roughly equal numbers. In the

recessions of 1969-70, 1973-75 and 1980, the number of women with jobs

increased as the number of men with jobs declined. In the two most recent

recessions, men and women both lost jobs, but there were far fewer cuts for

women. In the latest national recession, from July 1990 to March 1991, data

show that 126,000 women lost jobs, while 1.21 million men lost their jobs.



Friday, November 12, 1993

We are all fools to one degree or another. I live my life as if in

a dream, expecting for death to awaken me someday from this veiled



Police Deaths in Line of Duty

According to two national police support groups, The Law

Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund and Concerns of Police Survivors, 130

federal, state and local law enforcement officers were killed in the line

of duty last year. There is a 304-foot-long marble wall near the U.S.

capitol that contains 12,561 names of police officers killed in the line of

duty. The wall dates back to 1794.Harper's Index

* 6% of American gun owners are black. 88% of American gun owners are white.

* The black suicide rate is 7 per 100,000. The white suicide rate is 14 per


* Since 1977 there has been a 59% increase in black/white marriages.

* The chance that the death of a 10-14 year-old American in 1968 was a

suicide: 1 in 69.

* The chance that the death of a 10-14 year-old American today is a

suicide: 1 in 17.Dog and Cat Deaths

News: According to the American Humane Association, 63%, or 11.6 million

dogs picked up last year were destroyed; of the 9.3 million cats picked up,

81% were destroyed.

Assuming that the average dog weighs 30 lbs, 30 x 11,600,000=

348,000,000 pounds of dog meat.

9,300,000 x .81= 7,533,000 animals. If we assume that the average

cat's weight is approximately 7 pounds, (7,530,000 x 7) we see that The

Humane Society produces 52,710,000 pounds of cat meat each year. Combined

weight of dog and cat meat: (348,000,000 + 5,2710,000) equals 400,710,000

pounds (200,355 tons) of animal flesh per year.

This is a lot of meat! What happens to all of this animal protein?

Assuming that the average person eats a half-pound of meat a day, (a person

could get by with a whole lot less) this amount of animal flesh would be

sufficient to feed 2,195,671 people per year!

I'm not advocating that we eat dogs and cats. All I've wanted to do

was to put a fresh perspective on the annual slaughter of dogs and cats

that goes on in America. If, for a moment, you can think of these animals

as just another source of protein, you can see what a huge amount of waste

this is. As things stand, I'm willing to bet that all this meat either gets

incinerated or is buried in landfills. I doubt if even a pound of it is put

to good use.

How,besides the repugnant idea of human consumption, could you use

this meat? One way is to render it like we do horse flesh to make useful

products. The fur could go to make coats and the like. The meat could be

converted into fertilizer.


Quote: "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a

statistic."-Joseph Stalin


Book: Other Losses, by James Bacque. This book is about information

uncovered after W.W.II that indicates that the U.S. military allowed

between 800,000 to one million German soldiers held in post-war

concentration camps to starve to death.


Crime Stats, Past and Present

According to FBI statistics, 9,000 people were murdered in 1961,

compared with 25,000 murdered in 1991. Within the same period of time,

incidences of rape, robbery and assault have increases 388%.23 The thought

of endless peace, endless nothingness sometimes looks pretty good compared

to what it's like having to cope with what's inside my head.

But when these thoughts assail me I remind myself that now that I'm

in mid-life the grave is close enough without rushing things. All I have to

do is stick it out a few more years and death will come. And when it does I

will no doubt wish to spend a few minutes more on this great melting ball

of wax, which is itself dying from the ravages of inexorable time. I sense

my life growing shorter. Sometimes I imagine the smell of cold damp earth

and think of the grave that patiently awaits my arrival. I do not want to

slide into moist oblivion-not yet, anyway.


Who will befriend an old, pain-wracked, lonely man? Psychologically

gnarled like a dwarf pine growing from a crack on a mountain's face. Who

would love such a man? Only death would love a man such as this. And with

the passage of time even death may start looking like a friend.

A grasshopper spatters against my windshield. All that remained of

it's existence, hanging from the upper edge of the windshield wiper arm,

was a hind leg attached to a shattered abdomen. Every action has its

consequences. Thoughts that lead to action give birth to myriad

probabilities. My decision to drive to Helen resulted in this bug's death.

I wonder how many unseen deaths my actions cause? Small lives lost in


Mister grasshopper only lives and eats during the warm months. Come

winter-time, he becomes immobilized by the cold. Soon, hungry flocks of

birds will descend from the mountain winds in search of it and its kind.

And if it manages not to get eaten, death will come with the first hard

freeze. Better to be eaten by the birds. Giving its life in order to

sustain other lives sanctifies its death. And so the wheel turns!


Search string: AIDS: Medicine: AIDS Statistics

News: The CDC says that the number of deaths from AIDS among people ages 25

to 44 is rising alarmingly in America's cities. AIDS is the leading cause

of death among young men in Baltimore, San Francisco, Los Angeles and New

York. In Baltimore, AIDS deaths tripled from 1987 to 1989, from 23.6 per

100k to 63.8 per 100k in 1989. Atlanta's rate is 38.5 per 100k, while the

rate for the rest of Georgia is 24.0. In New York City, AIDS is now the

leading cause of death for women ages 25 to 44.


Medicine: Demographics: Cancer Rates

Source: American Cancer Society, cancer facts and figures, 1992.

Maryland has the highest death rate due to cancer, Utah has the lowest.

Top Five (per 100k) Bottom 5 (per 100k)

Maryland 192 Utah 125

Delaware 191 Hawaii 138

Nevada 189 Colorado 145

Louisiana 187 New Mexico 145

Alaska 184 South Dakota 152


Life is the greatest joke of all. We cannot help but make fools of

ourselves as we bumble through this earthly riddle. We humans aren't even

sure how we got here and we haven't a clue as to what happens to us when we


I've studied old folk long enough to know that religion doesn't

eliminate the fear of dying. The Pope sits in his Vatican and grows old and

senile. Each day death comes a step closer and every time it does, the Pope

trembles with fear. All humanity fears death.

The Apocalypse is Death with a capital "D;" pure and simple Death

on a personal scale of one. Uno, you! Hold the mirror to your face and

imagine yourself on the other side. An insubstantial reflection, an image

lost in time.

An old man trembles in his bed in the middle of the night praying

to see the dawn. His life ebbs and flows through the cracks of day. At this

juncture-when the weight is released-all men become equal. All material

things fall away. What's left? Nobody knows.

The Greek professor of preventive medicine, Vasilias Valaoras

claims that most mammals living free in nature (not in homes or zoos) have

accumulated about 1 billion heart beats on the average when they die.46

Even before Valaoras, Isaac Asimov has remarked, "Whatever the size...the

mammalian heart seems to be good for a billion beats and no more. This

theory, however, does not seem to hold true for humans. The average human's

heart beats approximately 2,830,000,000 times before death.

Isaac Asimov, born on January 2nd, 1920, lived to the age of 72.

Assuming his heart beat 72 bpm, it would have gone 2,724,710,400 beats by

the time he died.


There is a correlation between alcoholism and the economy: the

yearly rate of deaths due to cirrhosis of the liver coincide with periods

of maximum prosperity.


Biblical Quote: "Seventy years is all we have-eighty years if we are

strong, yet all they bring us is trouble and sorrow; life is soon over, and

we are gone."

-Psalms 90:10


A continuation of notes from the book, Predictions, by Theodore Modis, PhD.

Invariants are the simplest possible natural laws that exist for

all time, without a beginning, middle, or end, and which could be

visualized as a straight line.


The author claims that the world appears to move in 56-year cycles.

He cites astronomical evidence as well as cycles of solar activity which

follow both an 11-year and a 56-year cycle. Economic cycles also follow the

56-year pattern.

Theodore Modis predicts that the economy will take a turn for the

better in 1996.

There is a correlation between alcoholism and the economy: the

yearly rate of deaths due to cirrhosis of the liver coincide with periods

of maximum prosperity.

Outbreaks of feminism also follow 56-year cycles (1930 & 1980). The

next rise in feminism should be expected well into the 21st century.

The next peak of prosperity will be around 2025.

Homicides in the US reach their low during the growth years, the

rate decreasing by a factor of two between recession and growth years.

Murder weapon preferences also oscillate according to economic

cycles. Murder by guns become prevalent toward the end of a boom. Stabbings

become prevalent during recessions and reach their peak at the end of the

dark days.

The ratio of male to female victims in homicides fluctuates

according to cycles. There is a pronounced tendency for men to be

killed-mostly by stabbings- when times are tough and recession becomes more

and more of a reality. Women are the more frequent targets of

killings-mostly shootings- during the growth years, and the number of

female victims reaches a peak just as we enter a boom.


Friday, November 6, 1992

Life & Entropy

A few days ago I got to thinking about entropy and the possibility

that it may also apply to the life force. Assume that the second law of

thermodynamics also applies to all of life, and that the life force flows

from a relatively concentrated, high-energy state to lower, more dissipated


At the Beginning, there is a vast reservoir of high-level life

energy which is analogous to a very hot substance hanging in a void. In

time, this heat radiates and dissipates until it eventually reaches the

same temperature as its surroundings. The laws of entropy tell us that

energy can neither be created or destroyed, but merely transformed from one

state to another, and than energy always flows from a concentrated level to

a more diffused and less-concentrated level. This transformation rate can

be either accelerated or slowed down.

Now it occurs to me that in our present world, there are many more

births and deaths taking place within a given amount of time than in any

time since the world began. Just within the next century, the entire human

population that is living on the earth today will be dead. That's five

billion deaths within the next century alone. In addition to this, we

humans feed on other life forms at an incredible rate. Thirty-six million,

five hundred thousand cattle are slaughtered each year for food in the

United States alone. Add to that millions of pigs, goats, lambs, chickens,

fish, rabbits, etc., and you can see that the transformation of the life

force from birth to death is occurring at an incredible rate. There has

never before in the history of the world been a time when the volume of

death has been so great.

More than half of all the people who have ever lived on earth are

alive today. Virtually all of these people will be dead within a century.

In fact, the dead are now in the minority. What that means is that there is

more death taking place in the world today than ever before, and the rate

of death appears to be increasing exponentially. If we look at the history

of human population growth, we see that from 500 BC. to 1750 AD., human

population remained about the same: below one-half billion. By 1850, the

population had increased to 1 billion; 1930, 2 billion; 1960, 3 billion;

1979, 4 billion; 1987, 5 billion; and in 1996, the population is expected

to reach 6 billion.

If there is any validity to the theory that the life force is a

finite substance which conforms to the laws of entropy, then we humans are

squandering it at a horrendous rate.


A Model for the Growth of Populations

Vito Volterra, a mathematician at the University of Rome developed

a model for the growth of populations: it states that the rate of growth is

limited by competition and that overall size of the population slowly

approaches a ceiling, the height of which reflects the capacity of the

ecological niches.


Rigor mortis, post-mortem lividity. Instantaneous cadaveric spasm: the body

freezes in whatever position it is in: takes place at the instant of

instantaneous death.



Quote: "The psychopath may indeed be the perverted and dangerous

front-runner on a new kind of personality which could become the central

expression of human nature before the twentieth century is over."

-Norman Mailer, "The White Negro," in Voices of Dissent-1958.


There are very few certainties in this world, but one absolute

certainty that you can count on without fail is that all men die. Death is

the one thing which mocks all of our achievements. All of the glory of

youth is destined to be stolen back during one's old age. The only people

who can escape this fate are those who die before its onset.


Playing God

As I turned the corner on the way home and was passing under a

street lamp. I saw a small black beetle scurrying across the pavement. It

must have sensed me coming and was trying to get out of my way. My foot

came perilously close to it before I realized it was there. This is how I

imagine fate to be for we humans. God is out walking in his garden every

day as we scurry under foot, oblivious to his presence. Whether he steps on

you or not is mostly a matter of chance, unless he sees you. Then he has

your life in his hands. If he feels benevolent, he may pick you up and move

you to a safe and better place. If he feels nothing, he merely steps over

you and continues on his way. But if for some reason he is angry, and you

just happen to be there, then your fate is sealed. No matter how well you

dodge and run, he will find you and crush you. Tonight, I was god to a

beetle. He ran a ways and froze so cleverly that I had to search for

several minutes before finding him frozen, right out in plain sight. I

walked over and put my foot down about an inch away from him. He scurried

hurriedly toward the nearest shadow which just happened to the the shadow

cast by my head. As I moved my shadow he followed, running after it. As

soon as he got in its dark circle, he froze, never realizing how close he

was to death. He was actually running toward death's shadow. He was doing

just what we humans often do. Finally I moved so that he was bathed in the

stark light of the street lamp. He ran, but there was no place to go on the

hard concrete. If I stepped on him, he would be instantly crushed to death.

I put my foot down in front of him and he ran over and tried to hide

himself underneath my sole. So far, he'd dome everything wrong. He was

lying directly under my foot. All I had to do was to shift my weight ever

so slightly and the beetle would burst underfoot. I shifted my foot away

from the beetle and walked off leaving him alive and intact. If God would

only be so kind to me!


Thursday, June 13, 1991

A Rich Man's Death

Sheik Mohammed Khalifa Ezaby Sabah, a member of the Kuwait royal

family choked to death on a piece of meat yesterday, at a birthday

celebration in Cairo Egypt.

The majority of the people of this world are now bound together by

communications technology and consequently share a common fate. We are at

the end of an era and are now witnessing the death of the prevailing

illusions that have guided (and misguided) our actions.

These past few weeks we've witnessed the amazing dissolution of the

USSR. It is as if the Soviets had been dreaming for the better part of a

century and have now awakened. They didn't want to wake up because the

reality of their situation is quite unpleasant. Instead of living in a

worker's paradise, they're living in a bankrupt nation that has been

reduced to third world status.

The Russians aren't the only ones who've been lost in a dream.

We're all due for a rude wake-up call and when it comes it will signal the

end of an era. It will be the end of the world as we know it.

The majority of the people of this world are now bound together by

communications technology and consequently share a common fate. We are at

the end of an era and are now witnessing the death of the prevailing

illusions that have guided (and misguided) our actions.

These past few weeks we've witnessed the amazing dissolution of the

USSR. It is as if the Soviets had been dreaming for the better part of a

century and have now awakened. They didn't want to wake up because the

reality of their situation is quite unpleasant. Instead of living in a

worker's paradise, they're living in a bankrupt nation that has been

reduced to third world status.

The Russians aren't the only ones who've been lost in a dream.

We're all due for a rude wake-up call and when it comes it will signal the

end of an era. It will be the end of the world as we know it.


Racial Inequality in the Administration of Justice?

Another issue that keeps popping up in the news is the debate on

how to impose the death penalty. According to the New York Time, the

Justice Department's bureau of Justice Statistics said that as of 12/31/90,

blacks made up 40% of the prisoners who had been sentenced to death.

According to the 1990 census, the U.S. population is 12.1% black.

The Justice Department study found 2,356 prisoners awaiting death

penalties at year end, up 5% from the previous year. 1,375, or 58.4% were

white, 943, or 40% were black, 24, or about 1% were American Indian, and

14, or 0.6% were Asian. 172 Hispanics, or 7.3% were on death row. 32 women

are on death row.

According to the 1990 census, the U.S. population is 80.3% white,

9% Hispanic, 0.8% American Indian, 2.9% Asian, 3.9% other races.


Some blacks are comparing the population of black death row inmates

(40%) with the U.S. black population (12.1%) and claiming that the

difference between these figures constitutes statistical evidence of racial

discrimination. According to their logic, if this was a racially unbiased

country, the population of death row inmates would only be 12.1% black.

What if we simply accept the black logic on this issue and begin

immediately to make things more fair in this country. One way to do that

would be to pass a law requiring that the prison population match the U.S.

population at large, with regard to race and sex. After all, if it weren't

for racism and sexism, the prison population would be a demographic mirror

of the U.S. population.

The quickest way to bring equality to the system would be to start

putting white people in jail and keep locking the up until the population

of whites in jail reaches 80%. Also, the relatively small number of women

now in jail is gross evidence of sexism. The only way to rectify the

situation is to make sure that at least 50% of the prison population is

women. The reason things have gotten so far out of kilter is because the

laws of our country are biased against men and in favor of women. As things

now stand, women simply do not violate as many laws as men do. I think part

of the problem is that there just aren't enough laws available for women to

violate. What is called for are new laws against women. For example, it

should be a crime for a woman to be seen in public wearing hair curlers or

to have finger nails longer than one inch.


Statistics: Suicide on the Farm

Wasau, Wisconsin: more than 900 farmers in the upper Midwest

committed suicide in the 1980's and some years the suicide rate for that

group was nearly double the national average for white men. Farmers were

killing themselves at a rate of 44 per 100k.


Darkling I listen; and for many a time

I have been half in love with easeful death,

called him soft names in many a mused rhyme,

to take to the air my quiet breath;

now more than ever seems it rich to die,

to cease upon the midnight with no pain...

-John Keats, 1795-1821


Journal: Death Studies, 1989, 13,5,Sept.-Oct. 485-500

Title: Characteristics of Suicidal Individuals: (1) Gender: men are more

successful at suicide than women; (2) Race: Suicide among whites is over

twice that among blacks; (3) Age: Suicide rates generally increase with

age, are relatively rare under the age of 12 and are the third leading

cause of death in adolescents; (4) Problems with Affect: Suicide is

associated with depression,excitability and emotionality; (5) Problems with

Cognition: Suicide is associated with rigid cognitive style, field

independence, impulsivity, ambivalence, hopelessness, pessimism and low

social desirability.


Suicide-and-Life-threatening-Behavior; 1988, 18, 3, fall, 270-278.

Title: The Participation of Females in the Labor Force and Rates of

Personal Violence (suicide and homicide).

The relationship between the participation of married females in

the labor force, both part-time and full-time, and rates of personal

violence (suicide and homicide) in the continental United States is

explored. Analysis of census data indicates that the participation of

females in the labor force was related to homicide rates: homicide rates

were higher in states where a greater percentage of married females worked

full-time. In contrast, suicide rates were strongly related to indices of

social integration (eg, interstate migration and divorce rates)


.Statistics: Drugs Cocaine Deaths

Research published in the Journal of the American Medical

Association examined data submitted to the Drug Abuse Warning Network

(DAWN) run by the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Rockville, Md and

that in the National Vital Statistics system maintained by the Atlanta

Centers for Disease Control. The researchers found that from 1983 through

1988, the number of cocaine-related deaths reported yearly to the Vital

Statistics system increased from 218 to 1,179; the DAWN figures climbed

from 314 to 1,952.


Although the figures of neither group agree, one thing you can say

about both is that they show that less that 2,000 people die from cocaine

abuse in the United States each year. That's about the same number of

people who are killed each year by (Example #1: fill in the blank ), and

(Example #2: fill in the blank again) but we don't see the government

trying to do anything about those problems. The United States Government's

war against drugs costs the American taxpayers $6.3 billion a year ( a

number I pulled out of my hat) on a health problem that causes less than

2,000 deaths a year. In contrast, alcohol and cigarettes alone are known to

cause more than 300,000 deaths a year. Something is very wrong with our


The U.S.A. is a sick country and I believe it's getting sicker all

the time, but even so, if the suicide rate is any index of happiness- or

lack thereof- then there are still worse countries in which to be living.


1974/'75 Statistics:

Suicides per 100,000 in 1974

USA: 12 Canada: 13 Denmark: 26 Japan: 17

Ireland: 3 Sweden: 19 Switzerland: 20


Deaths from Cancer in 1974, (cases per 100,000)

Male: 199.2 Female: 166.3


Murders in the USA in 1975: 18,155. Rate per 100,000 = 9.6

Sex offenses in the USA in 1975: 40,168. Rate per 100,000 = 26.3


Prisoners in the USA in 1974 = 393,700. Equals 189 Per 100,000 of the



Firearms, Violence, and Public Policy.

(Periodical: Scientific American, November, 1991. Page 48)

* More than 28% of violent crimes involve firearms.

* ...guns were the cause of death in 64% of the 23,000 homicides in the

U.S. in 1990.

* More than 1.8 million acts or homicide, robbery, forcible rape and

serious assaults occur each year in the U.S.A.


Weapons used in U.S. Homicides in 1990

Handguns: 49.5% Rifles: 3.7%

Shotguns: 6.2% Other guns: 4.7%

Cutting instruments: 17.5% Blunt Objects: 5.4%

Hands & Feet: 5.6% Other weapons: 7.5%



Extermination of Street Kids Continues in Brazil

News: Rio de Janeiro- Thousands of homeless children protested the alleged

death squad murders of poor youths. Murders of children living on their own

in the streets have tripled in the last year in major cities. Brazil has

about 12 million street kids, as compared with 5 million in 1985. The

National Movement of Street Boys and Girls says more than three children a

day were killed during the 12 months ending in June.

People working to aid the children believe many killers are retired

or off-duty police officers hired by local merchants to "clean up"

high-crime areas.



Turn loose death's hand. Walk no more side by side with death.

Leave the grim shadow for a while. Don't worry about death; it will find

you when it is ready.


.c.The Quadrant Bookstore

One warm winter afternoon I took a stroll through the town toward

Ajax mountain, and as I passed an alley I suddenly felt the urge to go

exploring.1 I'd only gone a few yards down the alley when I spotted a

great big pile of fire wood stacked beside the back door of an old house.

As I drew closer I was surprised to see a small sign on the back door

announcing, "Quadrant Bookstore". It looked more like a private dwelling

than a commercial establishment, but I wasn't about to pass up a bookstore.

So I walked up and opened the door. As soon as I got a peek inside I

realized I was entering somebody's home. The place looked so rustic that it

was like walking into another century. My eyes swept the room then landed

on a ruddy-faced white-haired old man who was seated in a rocking chair

next to a hot pot-bellied stove. He was stroking a black cat and looked as

if he was waiting for someone.

Being a believer in synchronicity and stranger things I assumed

that he had been expecting me, and so I walked up and introduced myself.

His name was Ivan Abrams, and he is the proprietor of the only Occult book

store in Aspen. Ivan is seventy years old, and he lives in the bookstore

with two cats and two old dogs.

I pulled up an old chair next to the stove and talked with Ivan for

over an hour. He said he used to live in Boston, but he's been living in

Aspen for the past 33 years. I was surprised when he said, "I originally

came here to commit suicide, but I liked the place so I've been living here

ever since."

Ivan claims to be a channeler for a spirit he calls "Crazy", and he

communicates with this spirit by dangling a bead necklace from his hand and

asking questions. The spirit "answers" by making the necklace move in

circles. Ivan and "crazy" foresee an apocalypse approaching, and Ivan is

impatient for it to arrive. I believe he actually looks forward to an

Apocalypse because he believes it will bring welcome changes, especially in

Aspen. He pointed to an old photograph of Aspen before the tourist boom and

said that's the way he wants Aspen to go.

Since many of his ideas happened to fit in with my own delusional

system, I thought this would be a unique opportunity for two kooks to share

their apocalyptic visions. So we compared notes on what we foresaw

happening in the world in the near future. After I'd explained my theory of

the origin and nature of the Apocalypse, he said, "A man's spirit takes

many forms, and you are the spirit of an ancient wise man who is here on

earth to serve the light." That sounded pretty good to me, so I didn't say

I was, and I didn't say I wasn't. I just nodded sagely and wondered which

of us was the biggest fool.

As I explained a few more of my pet theories-such as how the earth

was in the midst of a dark age of consciousness- he got all excited and

said, "I've got a book you must have!" He picked up a book from the shelf

entitled "Earth Spell"2 and said, "Here, I want you to have this."

I asked, "You mean you're giving it to me?"

He said, "Yes, I believe you came here for a purpose and you are

meant to have it."

I thanked him for it and then told him a story about something

which had happened to me on the flight home from Aspen last summer. I got

to talking with a man seated beside me on the plane who-in the middle of

the flight- gave me the book he'd been reading. I was quite surprised, and

told him I'd only accept the gift if he'd autograph the inside cover, which

he did. His name was Ernest Angell."

So then I told Ivan I'd accept the book if he would autograph the

inside cover, which he did.

While we were talking, we heard the boom of explosives being

detonated by the avalanche patrol up on Ajax mountain . Three charges were

fired that afternoon..


c.6/11/90 Humanity Always Learns Too Late

You can draw certain generalizations from the study of human

history; If you couldn't, it wouldn't have any value, save entertainment.

In theory, at least, history should spare you the necessity of repeating

the mistakes of your ancestors. But in practice, recorded history serves no

useful purpose. This is because only a few men of any generation bother to

study it. And among those who do, they find it to be such a broad subject

(and growing broader all the time) that no single scholar can gain an

adequate perspective within his life-time. Also since the number educated,

reasonable men forever remains small in relation to the mass of humanity,

their collective influence is seldom sufficient to sway the body of

humanity from repeating the folly of its ancestors.

With that in mind, I heard today on the radio that the oil tanker

"Mega Borg" was still burning in the Gulf of Mexico. The tanker is carrying

360 million gallons of light crude oil, which is three times what the Exxon

Valdiz was carrying when it went aground.

The news announcer said reassuringly that light crude breaks up and

dissipates much faster than heavy crude, and since the tanker was sixty or

so miles out to sea, there was little chance that the oil would reach


I guess the assumption is that so long as the poison doesn't drift

to shore and foul the beaches everything is ok.

To minimize the effects of that which we cannot see and to maximize

the importance of those things which we can see is characteristically

human. This is why we benefit so little from history. Since the beginning

of humanity, people have worried about the trivia of their every-day lives

while being swallowed whole by events beyond their comprehension. A

small-scale modern example would be a driver who spills a splash of coffee

on his upholstery and becomes so preoccupied with wiping it up that he

wrecks his car.

Perhaps a better image is the ant who is so busy eating from the

dog's dish, that he doesn't realize that at the same moment, the food he's

standing on is being eaten by the dog.

One generalization you can draw from history is that people tend to

believe that by ignoring a problem it will go away. "Out of sight, out of

mind," goes the old maxim. Close your eyes and look the other way, because

what we can't see won't hurt us. Shield your consciousness and the problem

will disappear. But this solution never works for long. Its only real

effect is to minimize one's preparedness for the inevitable and to maximise

the impact of an unpleasant reality.


Right now, we're killing the very ocean which feeds us with massive

draughts of poison, but so long as we don't actually have to watch it die,

we'll remain largely unconcerned. By the time the situation grows bad

enough that we cannot ignore it any longer, it will be far too late to do

anything about it.

Modern man is busy unlearning all of the wisdom of the ages.



"Patholysis =3D doctor assisted suicide. An Obitiatrist is a doctor who

specializes in killing patients.


Bishop Blows Out His Brains

David E. Johnson, age 61, was Bishop of the nation's largest

Episcopal diocese. He announced his retirement last month and was to begin

a sabbatical next month. Instead, he went home and committed suicide with a

single rifle shot to the head.


Quote: Some day science may have the existence of mankind in its power and

the human race commit suicide by blowing up the world.


Adams, 1862


Poisoning the Sea

News: Between 1949 and 1990, the Government of Britain has dumped nearly

75,000 tons of nuclear waste into the North Atlantic Ocean and at least one

million tons of obsolete munitions, chemical weapons, and deadly nerve



Suicide Among the Elderly

According to the CDC in Atlanta, the suicide rate among elderly

Americans has climbed nearly 9% between 1980 and 1992. The suicide rate for

Americans age 65 and older climbed from 17.6 suicides per 100,000 in 1980

to 21.8 in 1987; it then dipped to 9.1 in 1992.


Radioactive Seas

News; A Norwegian scientist warned that radioactivity from dumped Russian

nuclear waste could be carried in icebergs to the Atlantic where it would

poison fish and pose health risks to humans. Per strand, from the Norwegian

Radiation protection Authority said that the former Soviet Union had dumped

17 reactors and other radioactive debris into the Kara sea.


Radioactivity Spawns Mutant Voles

Scientists studying wildlife in contaminated areas around the

Chernobyl nuclear power station discovered that voles (rodents) are

thriving on radioactive pollution. The animal is mutating at "an incredible

rate" but breeding healthily and producing ever-stronger offspring.


Biohazards in the US Mail

news: it is perfectly legal to send or receive the deadly Ebola

virus or anthrax-considered ideal candidates for biological warfare-by US


I wonder how many letters would be infected in the event of a

leaking package?


Emerging Diseases

Eleven states are currently experiencing a parasitic cyclospora

microbe epidemic. It takes several weeks for a person to get sick. It

causes intense diarrhea, weight loss and fatigue.


Epidemiology: Florida:

Two people have died from a rare bacterial infection spread by tick

bites. The newly identified disease is called ehrliciosis.

Idea: What the world needs is a good vegetable-sanitizing machine


A strong seasonal wind called the mistral blows across southern

France. It's a dry and chilling current of air that brings with it a sharp

rise in depression.

In Bavaria, a warm wind called der Fohn blows north from the Alps

when the snow melts; as it descends on Munich, the suicide rate increases

for a period of several days.


Amschel Rothschild, 41, the man many believed would be the next

head of the prestigious British merchant bank N.M. Rothchild and Sons,

hanged himself in Paris's hotel Bristol.

If wealth and power are the keys to happiness, then why did this

man commit suicide?


Ultraterrorism and Bug Poison For people

The world's only known ultraterrorist group (using chemical,

biological or nuclear weapons) is the Japanese Aum Shinri Kyo. They

poisoned the Tokyo train system with sarin. Sarin, Tabun & Soman are 3

chemical weapons. Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate is a colorless,

odorless liquid whose only function is to kill people.

A container with 48 ounces o chlorine can produce up to 5,800

casualties. One-third of an ounce of sarin can kill the same number of



As I grow older, my cynicism grows exponentially. Everything I see

and hear is false. All of humanity is structured around lies and deception.

The US government spews fourth nothing but lies. The pentagon still claims

that no poison gas was released during the Gulf war, but more and more

veterans are suffering strange symptoms.

I've never believed in patriotism, or the so-called "duty" of

fighting for one's country. Those concepts are only fit for children too

young to think for themselves. If some mighty power invaded the shores of

America, I'd leave, if I could, rather than risk my life and limbs in

defense of some inane policy that would eventually mean nothing. what

reason did US soldiers fight and die for in Vietnam? I forget. My childhood

friend Curt Wuestenberg died in Vietnam at the age of twenty-three for

everlasting nothingness.

Those foolish enough to succumb to patriotic fervor and join the

military will eventually learn that while they may love their country,

their country doesn't give a rat's ass for them. Should a soldier be

exposed to health-destroying chemicals, the government they fought for will

do what it has always done and simply deny all responsibility.


Kid Killers in the News

* A 16-year-old Mableton boy by the name of Richard Perry Bowden, III,

became upset after being grounded after he and some friends were thrown out

of Six Flags park Friday and shot and killed his mother and then committed

suicide by shooting himself in the head.


* An 11-year-old boy in Butte, Montana was shot by an angry classmate on a

crowded elementary school playground. A ten-year-old boy who was upset over

a quarrel the previous day, shot the 11-year-old three times with a .22



Two More Japanese Murdered

The US Ambassador apologized on behalf of President Clinton for the

slaying of two Japanese students in a California parking lot. Takuma Ito, a

Japanese citizen, and Go Matsuura, a US citizen who grew up in Japan, were

both shot in the head during a carjacking.


Russian Superplague

The Russian Defense ministry has secretly developed a new germ

warfare agent for which the west has no antidote, the Sunday Times reported

in London. The agent is so powerful that 44 pounds of the "superplague"

powder sprayed from aircraft could kill 500,000 people.


Poisoned Water

Environment: According to a study released by the Environmental Working

Group, a child reared in Louisiana has drunk enough contaminated water by

age 6 to exceed the Environmental Protection agencies lifetime cancer risk

standard. The Environmental Working Group studied herbicide use in 11 farm

states and said that Louisiana gets the brunt of the toxic runoff. "The

mighty Mississippi is a fifteen-hundred mile long toxic pipeline, and

residents of Louisiana live at the wrong end of the pipe."


Military crowd control agents: A super-strong pepper/burning or poison

ivy/itching spray that can be dispensed from the air. In extremely heavy

concentrations, the victims will claw their own skin off and then die from



Pyramid Scheme Spawns Suicides

At least a dozen Hungarians have committed suicide since 1989 as a

result of a widespread pyramid scheme in earthworms that spread with the

country's diminishing fortunes. Typically, a family would purchase several

hundred thousand earthworms with proceeds from their life savings or by

borrowing heavily at 30% interest. Earthworms eat manure and excrete their

own nutrient-rich dung, and promoters, with the help of government agencies

and banks, fraudulently convinced the investors that such rich soil could

easily be sold abroad.


news: Press Point Maryland: Frank Corder, age 38, committed suicide

yesterday by crashing a Cessna 150 into the back of the White House.

Corder had worked as a self-employed freight truck driver at

Baltimore-Washington International Airport. His third marriage had just

fallen apart, leaving him homeless, his father had died of cancer, and he

had problems with drugs and alcohol. Corder, who had a student pilot's

license, stole a Cessna 150 airplane and then flew it below radar until he

reached the White House.



Apocalypse: Indian Prophecy Fulfilled

Janesville, Wisconsin: As Floyd Hanson tells it, "a beautiful lady in a

rainbow-colored dress" appeared to him in a vivid dream last may and said

she would soon bring a message of peace and unity to mankind. That dream,

the 55-year-old Lakota Sioux medicine man says, echoed a vision that a

tribal elder experienced 60 years earlier. Hand and other native Americans

believe that the dream became reality last month with the birth of a female

white buffalo, a sacred and apocalyptic symbol in Indian culture, on a

modest farm in Wisconsin. Hand's Indian name is "looks for buffalo". The

appearance of White Buffalo Calf Woman heralds the arrival of a new era of

reconciliation among races and respect for the earth.


Ramsey Clark

This past Tuesday I heard Ramsey Clark speak at the Religious Life

Symposium at Emory University. Clark was Attorney General during the

Kennedy/Johnson administration.

"Ye shall know truth, and it shall make you free." "We act on truth

as we perceive it. We live in a time that is saturated with information,

misinformation, and deception. Democracy requires an informed people. We'll

not be free unless we demand the truth." "The real question in human

survival is whether we can see the truth in time."


"The media simply failed to cover the story (of the Gulf War) and

told us it was grand."


He spoke of the "tens of thousands of peasants" (in El Salvadore

who were being killed) "each as worthy as you or me."

We believe we have the technology to surgically eliminate evil.

Reporters and news anchorpersons made a big deal about the accuracy of our

weapons, but 93% of the bombs dropped on Iraq were free-falling bombs

dropped from great height.

"Manifested extreme failure of love."

Between January 17th and February 28th, 110,000 aerial bombing

sorties were flown over Iraq. That's one bombing run every 24 seconds, for

31 days.

88,500 tons of bombs were dropped. Only 7% were "smart bombs. "Every

center of population was him many times."

Based on 17,000 interviews of medical personnel working in the

area, an estimated 49,000 children died under the age of five during the

first year after the war.

The US totally destroyed Iraq's water supply systems and sewer systems.

Ramsey Clark says he doesn't watch TV because he "wanted to learn

how to think and read."

See John Albert's film, Nowhere to Hide.

Arms sales are booming after the war. The US success in the Gulf

proved how bad Soviet arms were and boosted the prestige of US arms.


* The military uses more petroleum in one year than all the vehicles in the

USA use in 22 years.

* Two-thirds of the oil spills in the Gulf resulted from US attacks.

* 34 American soldiers have radiation poisoning from transporting

uranium-tipped missiles.


More notes on the book: The Fire Next Time, by Ramsey Clark

* Pg. 227 "After WW. II and into the '60's, the US., with 5% of the world's

population, consumed more than half of its product."

* By 1992, the richest 1% of American families owned 37% of all assets, 62%

of all business assets, 49% of all publicly held corporate stock, and 45%

of all nonresidential property.


The throne of skulls.

* Pg., 52: The US Army's First Mechanized Infantry Division (The Big Red

One) used plows mounted on tanks to bury thousands of Iraqi soldiers.

* The BLU-82 fuel-air bomb weighs 15,000 pounds and creates over 1,000

pounds per square inch of overpressure. A human being can withstand up to

40 pounds per square inch of overpressure.

* DU, or depleted uranium weapons contain U-238, According to the US Food

and Drug Administration, the exposure to troops in vehicles loaded with DU

weapons is approximately 1 chest X-ray every 20-30 hours.



Modern life: family violence, economic stagnation, dolphins dying

from immune-deficiency syndromes, radioactive pollution of air, land, sea

and ground water. Dirty water, dirty air. Smog, acid rain, dying forests,

infanticide, insecticide, fratricide, homicide, parricide, suicide, Dioxin,

ritual child abuse, childhood sexual abuse, families without fathers,

alcoholism, drug abuse, corporate pollution, too many lawsuits. Perverted

and decaying legal system. Overcrowded prisons, euthanasia, capital

punishment by lethal injection, deadbeat dads, lesbianism, homosexuality,

teenage pregnancy, state intrusion into the family, pederasty, pedophillia,

Satanism, MTV, HIV, Hypodermics littering our parks and beaches, abandoned

pets, carjacking, home invasions, children raping and murdering other

children. Children slaughtering their own families.




Book: Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity by Sandra Postel, (vice-president

of the World Watch Institute). Postel warns of a water crisis in the 1990's

similar to the oil crunch of the 1970's. "Our water is running out and

what's left is being poisoned."Saturday, July 24, 1993


Apocalypse watch:

Our Disappearing Food Supply

A weather pattern has been stalled over the mid-west for over a

month, bringing incessant rains. The Mississippi river is cresting at 46

feet above flood stage in some areas. Entire towns have been inundated.

Thousands of homes and businesses have been destroyed. All commercial

traffic on the river has been halted. Vast acres of crops have been ruined.

As the flood water pours into the ocean, it carries with it pesticides,

oils, pollution, silt and massive amounts of nutrients that are creating

what scientists call "The Dead Zone," where no sea life can survive.

Meanwhile, in the eastern US, a drought intensifies. Temperatures

have been breaking records daily, and crops are withering in the field. The

American Bread basket is being emptied.


Recent surveys of fish harvests show a precipitous decline in

edible fish. All over the world's oceans, fish are disappearing.


Supplies of potable water are diminishing world wide. here in

Atlanta, all of our drinking water comes from lake Lanier, which is

becoming more polluted all the time.

Bacteria: Chicken processing factories around Gainesville continue to dump

raw sewage into the lake. Every time it rains hard, raw sewage overwhelms

local treatment plants and flows into the lake. I've been swimming three

times in the lake this year, and I now have itchy eyes, a swollen tear

duct, and both my ears are infected. How good can this water be to drink?


Poison Gas and heavy Metal pollution: The sheer number of boats on the lake

are causing another, more insidious form of pollution. Virtually all power

boats are designed to blow their exhaust gasses directly into the water. As

boats race up and down the lake, massive amounts of exhaust gasses are

absorbed into the water.

Pesticides: Many of the pesticides from upstream farming activities

eventually find their way into lake Lanier. These potent neuro-toxins

cannot be filtered out. Once they enter the food chain, they cripple or

kill everything that ingests it.


Turn on the Tap, and Out Comes Crap

Atlanta's Drinking Water comes directly from lake Lanier. All the shit that

goes into the lake eventually winds up in our bodies.


Human Stupidity

What we are in effect doing is recycling out own effluvia back into

ourselves. Every time someone flushes their toilet, that water becomes

someone else's drinking water! What is left eventually finds its way into

the sea, and from there it is concentrated into the flesh of sea creatures

which are then caught and shipped back to Atlanta as food.


A toxin (fumonisin) produced by the fusarium fungus is found in

almost all corn-growing areas of the world and frequently contaminates food

products. Fumonisins are strongly linked to esophageal cancer. Like

aflatoxin, (another fungal poison) fusarium levels tend to peak in dry

years when the fungus prospers.



Environmental Protection Agency

Everything's Poison Anyway


Apple Cider/Food Poisoning

Apple Cider is an excellent growth medium for the same type of germs that

caused the Jack-in-the-Box food poisonings in the Pacific Northwest. E.Coli

0157:H7 can survive in unpasturized cider for up to a month, even when

refrigerated.Thursday, January 2, 1992


Environmental Chemicals

"A growing number of children have learning disabilities.

Government investigators have reported that these disabilities can be

traced at least to some degree to exposure to environmental chemicals."

According to the American Cancer Society the rate of cancer among

children increased 22% from 1950 to 1987.

Children are more vulnerable to environmental chemicals because

they eat more food, drink more water and breathe more air than adults,

pound for pound. So the same level of contamination can do more damage to a

child than to an adult. Also, because the cells in a growing child's

nervous system, internal organs and reproductive organs are constantly

dividing children are more at risk from poisons.


Pesticides and Brain Function

Doctor Herbert Needleman of the University of Pittsburgh is

considered to be the nation's leading researcher on lead in children. He

linked lead poisoning to learning disabilities, and lower IQ among

children. According to Needleman, "There is no question that pesticides

impair children's brain functions as insidiously as lead. I will tell you

without fear of contradiction that exposing children to excessive levels of

pesticide is impairing their health, eroding their mental abilities and

shortening their lives."


Source: 1992 Farmer's Almanac, by Robert Thomas, Page 238,

"The Man Who Came Closest to the Devil"

Virginia park ranger Roy Sullivan was hit by lightning eight times

during his life. Sullivan worked in the Shenandoah National Park. He was

born February 7th, 1912. He was struck by lightning the first time in 1942.

The second hit occurred in July of '69. He was struck again in 1970, and a

fourth time on April 16th, 1972. On August 7th, 1973, he was struck for the

fifth time. On June 5, 1976, lightning struck again, setting his head on

fire. He wife was also struck once, when a sudden storm welled up as she

and her husband were out hanging wash on the back yard clothesline. Roy was

struck for the seventh time on June 25th, 1977.

At age 71, after being struck for the eight time, he committed

suicide by pistol.


A Suicide

Suzy told me an interesting story tonight. Her landlord was a man

in his sixties who had a bad heart. He was always puttering around in the

back yard. He'd occasionally buy a car for five-hundred and then fix it up

and sell it for a thousand or more. About a month after Suzy and Lee moved

in, he bought a yellow pick-up truck. One afternoon Suzy heard him start

the truck's engine and looked out her bedroom window to see what he was up

to. All she could see was him sitting in the truck with a garden hose

running from somewhere around the front of the truck extending into the

cab. She wondered what he was up to, but since he was always tinkering with

something, she figured he was doing some kind of experiment and then

continued on about her business. Meanwhile, downstairs, Lee had also looked

out the window. Earlier that day, she'd seen the old man walking toward his

truck carrying a garden hose. She didn't think anything of it. Then when

she heard the engine start, she'd looked out once again. The old man was

just sitting in the truck, so she thought nothing of it. After the engine

had been running for a while, Suzy looked out her window again. The old man

was still sitting behind the wheel of his truck. She saw his hand move, so

she figured everything we o.k., then continued on about her business.

Sometime later, Lee heard the truck horn honk and looked out the

window. This time, the old man was slumped over the wheel. She sent her

boyfriend out to investigate and he discovered the old man dead at the

wheel. He tried C.P.R., but it was too late. Lee called 911, but by the

time the rescue squad arrived, the old man was long-gone. He'd duct-taped

the garden hose to his exhaust pipe, then run it into the truck cab and

sealed the window with more duct tape. Suzy hadn't been able to see the

tape and stuff from her view point. She said in a matter-of-fact tone of

voice that she and Lee had watched as the man committed suicide, never

realizing what he was doing until too late.


The Inevitable Consequences of Overpopulation

As many as 5,000 children under the age of five are dying daily in

Somalia. An estimated 4.5 million people in Somalia are threatened with

starvation due to drought and clan warfare that has prevented food imports.



Ecological Time Bombs

According to Boris Yeltsin, huge containers from chemical warfare

arsenals were dumped into the Baltic sea by Hitler's Germany at the end of

W.W. II. Now those containers are in danger of leaking and causing "an

ecological catastrophe." Russia, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and

Finland all border the Baltic sea.


What we Amerikans have got to do to solve the breakdown of the

family structure is simply to establish a new standard. Whatever behavior

the majority of the people engage in should be declared to be normal. If a

kid shoots another kid because he wants his Reeboks, that's normal. It's

also normal for couples to divorce and for fathers to sleep with their

daughters. It's normal for mothers to abuse and sometimes kill their

children. It's normal for estranged husbands to shoot their wives and then

commit suicide. It's normal for teenagers to go on killing sprees. It's

normal to do drugs and get tattoos all over your body. What's not normal is

to love and get along with your family.


Men who Kill their Children

Specialists at the Suffolk Battered Women's Advocacy Project say

more men are killing their children. The men often attempt suicide after

the crime. "There is no question that there's been a dramatic increase

nationwide in methodical family homicides," said Jack Levin, a professor of

sociology and criminology at Northeastern University. According to Irving

B. Guller, a forensic psychologist and professor emeritus at New York's

John Jay College of Criminal Justice and internationally known training

center for police..."men are far more likely to kill children to get back

at spouses. Killings are motivated by revenge, depression, or a perverse

sense of love."

In nearly one-half of the slayings of Massachusetts children this

year, the mothers were also killed.

"Some psychologists say men despondent over their inadequacies as

providers may conclude that their families are better off dead. On an

average day, about 50 asteroids measuring at least 10 meters across come

closer to the earth than the moon, and each year, about five such objects

hit the planet.


Poisoned Fertilizer

Two companies pleaded guilty to shipping 1,000 tons of toxic dust

to another company for use in fertilizer sent overseas, federal prosecutors

said. Southwire Company and Gaston Copper Recycling Company admitted

distributing the hazardous dust and knowing that it was a health risk. The

dust contained toxic levels of lead and cadmium


Friday, May 3,1991 Jerzey Kosinsky Committed suicide today. He was 52

years old. He was found in a bathtub with a plastic bag over his head. I

just read his book, "The Painted Bird" earlier this year. Not long before

he died he told a writer friend that the world had become a dehumanizing



* During the Vietnam war, the U.S. Army suffered 8 female casualties and

134,913 male casualties. (ratio of 16,864 to 1)

* During W.W. II U.S. armed forces casualties were 361 females and

1,075,884 males. (ratio of 2,980 to 1)

* The average weight of a white man's brain is 1,392 gr. A white woman's

brain weighs 1,252 grams. The average black man's brain weighs 1,286 Gr,

and the average black woman's brain weighs 1,158 gr.

* The average female can bench press 37% as much weight as a man.

* 6,700 females commit suicide each year.

* 24,200 males commit suicide each year. (ratio of 3.6 to 1)

* 470 females committed suicide in 1900.

* 1,570 males committed suicide in 1900. (ratio of 3.3 to 1)

* Brides are on average 5.3 years younger than grooms.

* 22% of females remarry younger males. 61% of males remarry younger females.

* For every 1000 married females there are 156 divorced females. For every

1,000 married males, there are 110 divorced males.

Third World Suicide

India: Toxicologists say that "an alarming number" of Indians are

committing suicide by eating an 8-cent aluminum phosphide, or ALP pesticide

tablet that spews lethal gas inside the stomach.

Famous Suicides

Wallace Caruthers was the inventor of Nylon. He had a doctorate in

organic chemistry. He committed suicide in a hotel room in Philadelphia in

1937 by drinking potassium cyanide in lemon juice.


According to the New York Times, 8/4/87, more than 40% of the

suicides among chemists, both men and women, occur from swallowing cyanide.

Better Suicides Through Chemistry

12 ounces of ferrocyanide and vinegar ingested will do the trick.

Potassium cyanide is the most potent and painless way to commit suicide.

Take 1.5 g of KCN (potassium cyanide) mixed with water. Any more will burn

the throat. The water turns the KCN into hydrogen cyanide.


Homicide: Suicide: Mass Murder, USA-style

-23 * 10/17/91: Killeen, Texas: Yesterday 35-year-old George Hennard, an

unemployed ex-merchant marine, drove his pickup truck through the window of

Luby's cafeteria. Then he got out and started shooting people with a

Glock-17 nine-millimeter pistol. When he was through, 23 people lay dead.

Two plainclothes detectives who arrived on the scene exchanged shots with

the gunman, shooting him four times in the chest. He staggered into the

bathroom where he managed to commit suicide with one shot to the head.

Fourteen of his victims were female. Another woman died from her injuries

the next day, making the total 24, counting the gunman.

Police speculated that Hennard was enraged over what he considered

bad treatment by women Police found a ticket stub in Hennard's pocket

indicating that he'd just the day before seen the movie, "The Fisher King."

The film's gunman is a frequent caller to a radio talk show. One night he

calls for advice in dealing with a woman of higher social status who has

ignored his advances. The host derides yuppies as useless and inadvertently

triggers a mass shooting spree at an upscale club.


Journal: Social Forces, 1989, 68, 2, Dec. 513-530.

Title: The Effects of War and Alcohol Consumption Patterns on Suicide:

United States, 1910-1930.

"National wars decrease suicide not because they produce greater

political integration in society but because they decrease the national

unemployment rate, thereby producing greater economic integration."


Tuesday, November 12, 1991

Book: America the Vulnerable, by Joseph Douglas, Jr.

The Island of Gruinard off the Northwest coast of Scotland is still

uninhabited 30 years after biological warfare tests were conducted.17

Phosgene oxime (or CX) is a toxic industrial chemical. It is also

one of the original chemical warfare agents and was used by the Soviets as

a blister agent. It produces immediate and horrible pain.




Here are some facts on suicide that I culled from past journals and

re-assembled here for purposes of comparison.

1900: 470 females committed suicide.

1900: 1,570 males committed suicide in 1900. (ratio of 3.3 to 1)

1929:13.9 suicides per 100,000.

1932: (The economic depression) 17.4 per 100,000.

1942: Pre-war average: 19,000 per year

During 1943: 13,000 per year

1950: adolescents: 2.7 per 100,000

1968: probability of a child age 10-14 committing suicide = 1 in 69.

1962: approximately 20,000 suicides per year

1962: ages 15-19: total number of suicides: 290

1980: White men: 37.2 per 100,000

1980: Black men: 11.4 per 100,000

Mid-1980's Farmers in the upper Midwest: 44 per 100,000

1986: White men: 45.6 per 100,000

1986: Black men: 16.2 per 100,000

1986: white women: 7.5 per 100,000

1986: Black women: Too few to produce meaningful data.

1988: adolescents: 11.3 per 100,000

1988: Teens between 15 and 19: 90 per 100,000

1990: probability of a child age 10-14 committing suicide =1 in 17.

1990: ages 15 to 24: 13.6 per 100,000

1990: ages 65-74: 18.1 per 100,000

1990: ages 75-84: 26.1 per 100,000

1990: ages 84 and above: 22.5 per 100,000


1991: Suicide Rates

Married males: 20 per 100,000

Single Males: 40 per 100,000

Divorced Males: 85 per 100,000

Widowed males: 165 per 100,000

* 6,700 females commit suicide each year.

* 24,200 males commit suicide each year. (ratio of 3.6 to 1)


* Four times as many men kill themselves as women.

*In the USA, three times as many Whites kill themselves as Negroes.

*An inverted relationship between murder and suicide is usually

demonstrable. States with high murder rates usually have lower suicide

rates and vice-versa.


* A nation never fails but by suicide. -Ralph Waldo Emerson


* We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.


Bernard Shaw


* Almost two thousand years and no new god! -Friedrich Nietzsche


.c.The Government Versus People

*Poisoning the environment

A U.S. Agricultural Department research program is working on the

development of chemical and biological agents to destroy coca and marijuana

crops. They're developing a red dye that kills pot plants, and a soil

fungus that wipes out coca plants. Also, experiments are being done to

determine if insects can be used to fight the drug war. The malumbia is a

white moth which in the caterpillar stage gobbles the green leaves of the

coca plant. The U.S. plans to air-drop malumbia eggs onto the coca plants.


.c. The Environment Versus People


Drought and warfare have brought Ethiopia to the brink of a massive

famine. A similar situation exists in neighboring Sudan. 5 milion

Ethiopians and 3 million Sudanese are at risk. (About one and a half

million tons of birdseed is put out each year in America.)


*New disease strains

Scientists have discovered a new herpes virus, (HHV-7) the seventh

so far which is known to infect humans.


*Natural fire hazard

This year's fire season in the Everglades promises to be one of the

earliest, longest and most devastating in decades.


*Death of the coral reefs

Massive die-offs of coral reefs-called bleaching- is occurring in

the Caribbean sea. It may be the result of rising water temperatures, which

rose 1.6 degrees F between 1986 and '87.


*Cancer risks

Cancer danger on planes greater than originally estimated. The

highest risk is for those who fly the most at high altitudes-where

atmospheric filtering is reduced- and for those who fly over the poles,

where the earth's magnetic field concentrates radiation.


.c.People Versus the Environment

*Antibiotics lose out to germs

Tetracycline, the second most used antibiotic in the world, is

losing its effectiveness against common bacterial infections. Millions of

pounds are produced each year, with about half going to treat animals. It

is even used to treat bacterial outbreaks in fish farms.

*Off-shore oil rigs

Over the next 35 years, approximately 5500 off-shore oil and gas

drilling and production structures will go out of production.


*Atomic Tests Disrupting Food Chain

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March 1990

Since 1966, France has conducted 44 nuclear tests in the atmosphere

and 115 underground tests on two tiny South Pacific Atolls, Moruroa and

Fangataufa. Since then, the incidence of leukemia, cancer of the blood,

uterus, and brain tumors have increased significantly among Tahitians.

The atomic tests are also blamed for a three-hundred percent

increase in ciguatera poisoning, which is the most common type of fish

poisoning in the world. This has become a major health hazard among people

living in the South Pacific.

Whenever the coral reefs are disturbed due to mining, ships running

aground, or atomic blasts, a small single-celled marine organism found in

reefs produce ciguatera toxins. Plant-eating fish consume these toxins,

which are subsequently passed up the food chain as larger fish feed on

smaller ones. The toxins don't hurt carnivorous fish, but they cause a

debilitating syndrome in humans. People who eat the fish can develop nerve

damage, loss of balance, and many other serious and chronic problems which

have no know treatment or cure. Outbreaks of ciguatera poisoning occur

whenever a reef is damaged.


.c.Paralytic Poison

Succinylcholine chloride (SCC) is a paralytic drug which some deer

hunters are advocating being put on arrows to eliminate the suffering of

the animals. Poisoned arrows would fell a deer within 20 seconds. SCC

rapidly breaks down, making poisonings look like deaths of natural causes.


.c.Seattle Suicides

Suicide leaps from the Aurora bridge (George Washington memorial)

numbered 123 from 1930 to 1979. Sixty-six jumps were made in the 1959-1979

period. Nine died in 1972. Only eight have survived the fall. The bridge

accounts for 2% of King County's suicides..c.Book: "Suicide and Mass

Suicide," by Dr Joost A.M. Meerloo, M.D. Published in 1962.

Some facts and statistics about suicide circa 1962:

*"Suicide has been the second most frequent cause of death among

students at Yale for more than 20 years."

*In the USA each year, 290 people in the 15-19 year-old range

commit suicide.

*Most suicides are between the ages of 40 and 59.

* Four times as many men kill themselves as women.

*In the USA, three times as many Whites kill themselves as Negroes.

*An inverted relationship between murder and suicide is usually

demonstrable. States with high murder rates usually have lower suicide

rates and vice-versa.

* Suicides occur on Mondays more than any other day of the week.

*There are 45,391 known drug addicts in the USA.

* Each year in the USA, there are more than 100,000 attempted

suicides and nearly 20,000 successful suicides.

*During 1943, suicide dropped from a pre-war average of 19,000 a

year down to 13,000.

* In 1929, there were 13.9 suicides per 100,000. In 1932, (The

economic depression) the rate was 17.4 per 100,000.



"Thus in the days of fables, after the floods and deluges, there

came fourth from the soil armed men who exterminated each other."

- Montesquieu Espirit, Book XXXII