Tapdancing into The Big Death:

Apocalypse Notes I

ontological destruction/shock

new world paradigm

shattering of illusion

death of the guiding concepts of the 20th century

psychotsunami : amplification of effects

Philosophical paradigm shift

psychological shock waves


the shattering of the western mind

apocalyptic shock waves...the tearing of the veil/rip in reality, bursting

of the bubble.

Sexual issues

earth (animal/ecological) wind (philosophy/thinking)

Fire(technology/energy) water (unconscious)

exponential nature of change

punching through to the other side

Polarization increases until it reaches a certain threshold:

what is the term for the sudden collapse of a magnetic field?

Technology strips away privacy...



During the Permian extinction, (225 Million years ago) one half of

all marine species perished. The dinosaurs died during the cretaceous

extinction (65 million years ago). The late Quaternary extinction(1914 A.D.

to 2014 A.D. : a million species became extinct within one century. The

quickest of all mass extinctions, most species were killed off due to

habitat loss due to the killer ape Homo Sapiens. H.Sapiens violated the

first law of a successful parasite, moderation.

One fifth of all life forms will be gone in thirty years.

"The late quaternary extinction wants you!"

Sept.1st, 1914, Martha, the last passenger pidgeon, died in the Cincinatti

zoo. Passenger Pidgeons died primarily due to loss of habitat.

During the Cretaceous extinction, about one species died off every

thousand years. We're now killing off more than one species a year.


Monday, December 2, 1991

Apocalypse Now

Recently I've been enjoying a certain grim satisfaction in watching

world events unfold. The daily news confirms my belief that the thing which

is now approaching is the Beast himself, coming to devour all civilization.

We are teetering at the brink of a pit that is the darkest of all dark


The U.S.S.R.- the second most powerful country in the world- is now

shattered and disintegrating. A year ago it was a world power, but now

winter approaches and the government cannot provide enough fuel or food to

sustain its own people. The U.S.S.R. has ceased to exist. All that's left

are a mass of hungry people and thousands of nuclear bombs.

China's not doing so well either. This summer the country was

inundated with so much rain that a million or more people were forced to

flee their homes. Crops were drowned or washed away. Now China is being

plagued by a severe drought. Once again, the crops are ruined. China must

produce enough food to feed a billion people, but the weather won't


Meanwhile, back in smug Amerika, the people are in such a stupor

from gorging on consumer goods that they cannot comprehend the calamity

that's about to overtake them. We are not immune from the world's ills. The

weather is just as chaotic here as it is elsewhere, and unpredictable

weather makes for poor harvests.


Eat and Excrete


The human population has greatly exceeded the carrying capacity of

the earth. During this past century alone, we've forced tens of thousands

of species into extinction. Human civilization is like a mechanical beast

with an insatiable appetite. Our factories are the mouths, stomachs and

intestines of industrialized societies. We eat and we excrete. Back when

things were still on a human scale, we didn't eat so much, and our

excretions could be recycled to help make the land more fertile. But now

the stuff our factories spew out is poison to the land we live on, the

water we drink and the air we breathe.


What Man and Locust Have in Common


Modern man is like a plague of locusts of Biblical proportions that

strip bare everything in their path, leaving nothing behind for tomorrow's

hungry. What we do not devour, we pollute. Locusts start off as nothing

more than ordinary grasshoppers that eat and breed in relative harmony with

nature. But then, for some inexplicable reason-perhaps when their

population reaches a certain mass- the grasshoppers undergo a

metamorphosis. They grow darker in color, their mandibles grow larger, and

they mass together in great, voracious hordes capable of devouring whole

countries. That's what mankind has become. As long as there were not too

many of us, we coexisted with nature. But once our population grew beyond a

certain level, we underwent a change similar to that of the grasshopper. We

learned to fly on metal wings and the steel jaws of our machines gnaw on

the earth and on all other living things.

The beast I speak of is a human creation. It's nature is a mirror

image of our own nature. It is the cumulative product of all our actions.

It is like a static charge produced by friction. Two polar opposites that

grow and build until they can no longer remain apart. The beast is drawn to

us and we to it. Upon contact, all will change. Then, if we are not all

destroyed, the cycle will begin anew.


The Crux of the Problem


There are too damned many people on this earth. Malthus was right.

Given enough time, population will exceed food supply. If the food supply

problem was solved, then population would eventually exceed the air supply.

The sad fact is that humans cannot control population growth. A few

enlightened souls may choose not to reproduce, but the vast majority of

mankind keeps cranking out babies as usual.


The Solution to the Problem


The earth's human population must be drastically reduced. This may

be accomplished in two ways: an increase in human mortality or a decrease

in human fecundity. I think both methods are now kicking in. War, disease,

famine, human stupidity, industrial and nuclear accidents, cataclysmic

shifts in the earth's crust, intensified solar radiation. All are joining

forces to rid earth of excess human population. AIDS and other sexually

transmitted diseases will help put a damper on sexual activity while

killing off large segments of the population at the same time. Our polluted

environment is helping to reduce fertility rates. Fewer and fewer men these

days have viable sperm. The human destruction of the ozone layer is

allowing more intense solar radiation to penetrate the earth's atmosphere.

This radiation is producing an increasing number of viral mutations.

Eventually, something will come into existence which will make AIDS look

like the common cold. An increase in solar radiation is also having a

significant impact on plants and animals. Some plant species may die, while

others proliferate wildly.

The man-made calamity known as the greenhouse effect is apparently

already causing world-wide weather changes. Weather is becoming less

predictable and storms are becoming more powerful.

There is no need to panic. Sit back and relax. Everything is under

control. The earth will survive. Gaia, the Earth Mother, is fully capable

of defending herself against puny mankind. She is now in the process of

purging the ranks of humanity and restoring the balance of nature. Wait and

see. Soon, a whole lot of people are going to be dead. Assuming that the

average person weighs 150 pounds, five billion people would equal a biomass

of 375,000,000 TONS. Is it possible to go from five billion people down to

three billion within a decade? At that rate, 1.3 million people would have

to die and be disposed of every day for the next ten years. That's

approximately 97,500 TONS of dead bodies per day that would have to be

reabsorbed into the earth. I don't think it's possible to kill off so many

people so suddenly, except for an all-out nuclear holocaust. Most likely,

the earth's human population will decrease at a much slower rate, taking as

long as a century to shrink down to a world-wide population of two billion.

I don't know-who could know the answers to such things? After I'm dead, I

don't really care what happens to the human race. The only way a massive

die-off might affect me after I'm dead is to drive up the price of real

estate in Heaven-or Hell. I'm sure both places will be booked solid until

the powers that be find another planet on which humans can run amok.


The way the human mind works, we learn from our own mistakes, but

rarely from the mistakes of others.


From a humorous book: "More ways to save the earth":

*Pay with large denomination dollar bills. A $20 dollar bill has the buying

power of twenty one-dollar bills, but uses only 5% of the forest resources.

* A single toilet flush consumes 5-7 gallons of water and the solid waste

adds to already taxed landfills. "Holding it in" remains a simple and

effective way to protect the environment.


Mankind, the Supreme Parasite


News: In a recent article published by Nicholas J. Demerath,

professor emeritus of anthropology/demography at Washington University said that the current world population was currently at 5 billion and was

expected to reach 10 billion by the year 2000. The most rapid population

growth is taking place in Africa, Latin America and most of Asia. "The

scientist's warnings and the evidence at hand point to extinction of our

own species by ecological suicide." Mankind, the supreme parasite, is

stupidly consuming its host.


Big news today: the giant Panda is closer to extinction than the

Bengal tiger. Now we are keeping statistics on the dying of the planet yet

nobody cares enough to change. Can't bred successfully in captivity. No

habitat. No habitat for the soul of man either. It is all becoming a

desert. The desertification of the soul. Erosion of the mind's topsoil. If

it were not for the pain of isolation, life would be totally sterile. We

are hypnotized and anesthetized to all.


Book: Century's End- "We now know that the idea of the future as a

'better world' was a fallacy of the doctrine of progress." German novelist

Thomas Mann, 1938


For some inexplicable reason, reports of multiple personalities in

the annals of psychological literature increase as each century draws to a

close. Multiple personalities resurfaced during the 1790's, the 1890's, and

now, during the 1990's.


Too Much, Too Fast, Is Dangerous


Man aspires toward God, and this is entirely as it should be, just

as the child mimics his parents. If this were not meant to be, God would

have assured that it would not be so. Man's destiny has always been to

strive higher, to attempt to reach beyond his grasp. But through his

invention, the computer, man has now seized hold of a power beyond

individual comprehension. Man sees himself as all-powerful, but in

actuality he is a mere baby playing in the house of God. And this is fine,

because if it were not meant to be, then by the will of God, it could not

be. But baby has now gone exploring in the back of God's closet, and out of

a shoe box up high upon a shelf, baby has somehow gotten his hands on a new

thing. However, as you and I both know, a baby regards everything as a toy,

even a box of matches. And just as men have always done, the only way to

learn what a match can do is to light one, and watch it burn. New things

require caution, and mankind would be wise to review the story of Icarus,

who flew too close to the sun. We have yet to grow weary of the ego's orgy

of death, yet we dare attempt to harness the powers of life. Mankind's

power outgrows his wisdom to control it. On the eve of the second

millennium, many apocalyptic cheer leaders gather to chant, "Burn, baby,



We live in an age of our own creation- an age where many people now

feel a growing disgust for humanity. Even though our technology has never

been greater, many people are engulfed by a sense of helplessness and

despair. More people than ever before are beginning to believe that the

world is dying, and it is dying a hard death, wracked in pain as if from

cancer. And many people, like Dave Foreman and his "Ecodefense" followers,

believe that man is the cancer, and the earth cannot survive so long as man



Our children are growing up in a world of diminishing expectations.

It is they who suffer most, because they've yet to learn how to tune out

the groans of a dying planet. They have not yet learned to behave like

their parents, and lose themselves in mindless pursuit of meaningless


Youthful idealism stems from one's belief of their power to change

the world, while nihilism is the result of a loss of that belief. When

faith is lost, hope is lost, and that is when people cease to live and

begin to die. Adults are accustomed to the lie, while children tend to see

and speak truth until they learn differently. If you could wipe the

cynical film off your spectacles and view life once again through the

unjaundiced eyes of youth, you might understand why so many young people

apparently believe that the world is beyond hope. Why else do you suppose

that the adolescent suicide rate has increased so dramatically in the last

twenty years?

Suicide- oblivion- comes in many forms, and those few who find life

so bleak that they would rather die, signify the existence of a greater

number who live on reluctantly, caught up in a spreading malaise.


Virtually all modern men are hooked on technology like junkies to

heroin. We all love our toys and are unlikely to give them up except under

a threat of death. Many people now accept the fact that that the world's

mounting chaos is a product of our own technology, but that still doesn't

stop anyone from using it to the detriment of all. Are you willing to give

up the immediate personal benefits of air conditioning, automobiles,

processed food or washing machines in exchange for such a vague long-range

concept as "saving the earth?" If you answer "yes", then you must do it

now. Don't sell your car or washing machine, because then somebody else

would just use it. You must destroy the offending technology and learn to

do without. The fact is, it will always be easier to whine, "somebody's got

to do something" (meaning the government, your neighbor,etc.) than it will

be to take the first step yourself.


Unfortunately, there is no immediate and direct cause and effect

link between eating a MacDonald's hamburger and lessening mankind's quality

of life.

If you look at how the people live in Mexico city or in Calcutta

and then compare that with life in New York city, you realize that man can

and will adapt, in some fashion, to almost any level of filth and squalor.

There is still a long way to go before the majority of the world becomes a

huge third world ghetto.

As long as we do not suffer directly from the pollution from our

own automobiles, we will continue to drive more than the bare minimum. If,

for example, a law was passed that required automobile exhaust pipes to be

mounted inside the passenger compartment, you would see a sudden demand for

less polluting engines. This will never happen, though, and so things will

continue more or less as they always have; we'll make our messes and leave

the house cleaning to somebody else.


I do not believe that people will stop using technology until the

system completely breaks down.


The greed mania that seems to have infected the current generation

is a natural reaction to perceived scarcity. As we sense the world's

resources drying up, we each rush to grab hold of "our share."

Another reason for greed and acquisition is that for many people,

this is the only reason to live in a world that lacks any god greater than


When the world reaches a certain level of decay, people no longer

make an attempt to fight the trend. If your whole city is heaped with

garbage, what difference is another piece going to make?


Compulsive writing is merely the regurgitating of words onto paper

in order to keep from dealing with issues closer to home. K.S. was right on

that score- I'm focused on a world apocalypse because it is analogous to

what is going on inside myself. One's opinions always mirror one's internal


"New world, New Mind: moving toward conscious evolution" by Robert

Ornstein and Paul Ehrlich. Some stuff from the first few pages: "Human

adaptability can be a source of danger-consider the boiled frog syndrome.

Frogs placed in a slowly heated pan of water will not be able to detect the

deadly trend, until finally they are cooked to death. Steady-state events

are tuned out. We only notice when a change occurs in our perceptual

environment. A great way to sell anything is to claim that it is going


Some more books: "Voluntary Simplicity-toward a way of life that is

outwardly simple, inwardly rich," by Duane Elgin.

"London Fields" by Martin Amis. The novel is set in the grimmest

most apocalyptic of times.

"Economics As if the Earth Really Mattered" - a catalyst guide to

socially conscious investing, by Susan Meeker-Lowery. Some general topics

covered in the book: respect-cooperation/ relationship-place/

diversity-self-reliance/ harmony-appropriate scale. Chapter 4 deals with

"Investing in people you know. Investing in friends. I like this concept.

More books: "The Books in my life", by Henry Miller."The Solace of

Open Spaces," by Gretel Ehrlich.

An apocalypse-or force-field discharge- occurs every once in awhile

whenever the static charge builds up too much between one dimension and its

mirror image.

Periodically, two polar dimensions build up sufficient energy

potential that they are drawn together. (See Diagram B) When they touch,

the charges neutralize one another. In the process, something may occur

which is analogous to a big spark. Then again, nothing of the sort may

happen, depending on how much of a charge has built up since the last

discharge, depending on whether the two fields are compressed or not,

and, ultimately, depending on the nature of the energy involved.10

When the collective energies of the animated matter11 that exists

on this dimension accumulates a sufficiently strong "charge" in a polar

dimension, the two dimensions begin to be drawn together. The closer they

come to each other, the greater their attraction, until inevitably they


6.66 The flyleaf of the book announced:" Humanity is given, collectively

and individually, during the last two decades of the twentieth century, a

very major test in the school of life...." "The Apocalypse is an inner

process of purification and transformation which precedes the opening of

the consciousness and super-consciousness to being given the keys of Heaven

and Hell-the revelation of one's true nature and destiny."

"The coming of the Anti-Christ is the conscious recognition (and

embodiment) of our own dark, unregenerated self and its final transmutation

and integration by the higher self."

7 The information would be redundant in any case, since each of us is

capable of intuitively knowing our proper balance points.

8 It is very much within the realm of human ability-for a man who truly

seeks to know- for one to gain a vision or premonition of his own fate.

Sometimes this vision can be very disturbing-even horrifying- and in such

cases it is easy for a man to be driven to despair. However, man need not

despair, because he has the power to alter his fate one probability at a


9 Energy fields can be compressed by other energy fields, until one is

forced into the other. Consider two magnets aligned so that each of their

positive poles are facing. The magnets will resist each other until a

greater force (in this case, your fingers) presses them together.

10 Some energy forms are very stable, and rather than being reactive, they

are infinitely compressible.

11 (Which we call life).

12 This is analogous to a diode in an electrical circuit, which restricts

the flow of current in one direction only.

12.5 Creativity is really just another word for originality.

13 All I could think of to say was, "I guess if you parked your car out in

the rain last night, you got a free car wash."

.c.1-(415) 673-DOOM;.

I see from the newspaper that there's a group in California who

have chipped in to set up an end of the world hot line. You call this

number to get a recording telling you that the apocalypse is almost upon

us. The number is 1-(415) 673-DOOM..c.1-(415) 673-DOOM;.



See the Apocalypse Live, on TV


While I was writing last night, Terry was in the other room

watching T.V. I heard an announcer say, Tonight, on channel 69, "On the

trail of the Anti-Christ!" I went in and asked Terry what she was watching,

and she said, "Some show on channel 69." I told her I thought it was odd

that the announcer would say, "tracking the Anti-Christ" since that

suggests that he is here on earth, and leaving tracks. I checked the TV

guide, but can find no mention of the program. The fact that such a program

exists, suggests that Apocalyptic awareness is on the increase.


.c.2/12/90 Night Thoughts

My joints hurt a great deal last night, and that's why I awoke at

2:48 a.m. My first thoughts were "This is the time when everything either

becomes halved or doubled"

The next thing which came to mind were the words, "In the world of

the blind, I see the light which heralds the approaching thunder. Soon all

will hear what I already see."

Then I got out of bed, went into the other room, and wrote until my

mind felt clear enough to go back to sleep. First I wrote some stuff about

my physical condition,(see medical log notes, reference #244), then the

stuff that follows.

"Forget the bad times which will soon arrive. Others with more

limited sight can see that far. Humanity is now waking up as it stands at

the abyss. Soon, all of mankind will know that the Apocalypse is upon us.

Instead, focus beyond, to the great awakening. Mankind needs hope to

sustain them in the dark days soon to arrive."


Ordinary life for me is dull and as a result I love chaos. The only

time I really feel alive is when all Hell is breaking loose. I thrive on

disasters and storms. One reason I keep hanging on to life's cross of iron

is because I have an apocalyptic vision of a world laid to waste. I pray to

God that I live to see it! No matter how the world ends, it will be a

surprise. One day mankind may be hovering on the irrevocable brink of

nuclear war, with everyone thinking that this will be our common end, only

for everyone to be smashed out of existence at the eleventh hour by a stray

asteroid. No matter what the end, it will arrive accompanied by a load of

irony. I think mankind's end will occur as suddenly as a heart attack.

Everything will appear just as it always has until the blade suddenly



Tuesday, August 18, 1992

A Hodge-podge of Notes on Dreams

Dreams of thr apocalypse, Dreaming in virtual reality: much of the

ballyhoo about Virtual Reality is simply a desire to enter the world of

dreams. Movies are dream-like. Low-tech virtual reality. Television is

somewhat similar to dreaming. There is a similarity between the 90-minute

REM cycle and the way TV programs are formatted into 30-minute segments.

A billion minds adrift in a sea of dreams. We're all plugged into

the same network in our dreams. Dreamscapes. Hypnagogic states of mind.

Jesus slept. Power dreaming. The Apocalypse is Death with a capital "D;"

pure and simple Death on a personal scale of one. Uno, you! Hold the mirror

to your face and imagine yourself on the other side. An insubstantial

reflection, an image lost in time.

An old man trembles in his bed in the middle of the night praying

to see the dawn. His life ebbs and flows through the cracks of day. At this

juncture-when the weight is released-all men become equal. All material

things fall away. What's left? Nobody knows.Apocalypse

"When encountered outside the religious framework, the apocalyptic

expectation of imminent transformation of the environment- with the

individual somehow playing a central role- is labeled pathology. This

pathology symptom in individuals is the driving force behind much of our

civilization." -Terrence McKenna



Book: Trilogues at the Edge of the West,

Ralph Abraham, Terence McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake

In the Revelation of saint John the Divine, angels come and pour

down diseases. There are plagues of scorpion-like creatures that come from

the interior of the earth.

The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is an apocalyptic,

prophetic book.


"The word "paranoid" is designed to make people not like it. There

is an implicit assumption that there's nothing to be paranoid about. In

fact, in a very dynamic and unsteady universe, paranoia may well be a true

sensitivity to the facts of the matter." -Terrence McKenna

Like building a house on the slope of an active volcano...like a

spider building its web inside a rain spout...like a dust mite living in a

gun barrel...


"There will be an intense polarization as the new millennium approaches."


Adam Parfey was there. He's the publisher of Apocalyptic Culture an

other noxious off-the-wall books. He had some good tips on self-publishing.

For example, you can print 5,000 books for a cost of about eighty cents

each by having them printed on a belt press. The only restriction is that

your book can't have any photos, only line drawings.


The Armageddon Kid


I also talked to a local kid by the name of Cal Kenney, who held a

tiny seminar on the approach of Armageddon. Cal is the son of a Methodist

minister. He believes that the final conditions for Armageddon are now

being fulfilled, and that it, or something like it will happen within the

next 12 months. Cal's telephone number is

(404) 872-2523.


The Most Distant Supernova Ever Detected


The pulse of light was first detected on April 28, 1992, by the

Isaac Newton telescope at La Palma in the Canary Islands. The light faded

after a month. Physicist Saul Perlmutters said "The distance of this

supernova in light years corresponds roughly to the age of the solar

system.Apocalyptic Musings

Brotherhood of the snake or dragon: both symbols represent wisdom.

The father of wisdom was Lucifer. The literal meaning of Lucifer is

"bringer of light," or "the morning star."

According to many, a supernova explosion occurred in 4000 BC. Dr.

Anthony Hewish, 1974 Nobel Prize winner in physics, discovered a rhythmic

series of radio pulses which he proved were emissions from a star that

exploded around 4000 BC.


The orbit of the Galileo space craft will decay in December, 1999,

when it is over the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is a baby star with a gaseous

makeup exactly the same as our sun. Galileo is carrying 49.7 pounds of

plutonium which, under the massive pressure of Jupiter's atmosphere, will

compress and explode, igniting the planet's atmosphere.



New Drug Test

SudorMed Inc. of Santa Monica Calif. has developed a drug detection

patch which sticks to the upper arm and absorbs perspiration that is later

analyzed for traces of cocaine or the metabolic chemicals the drug


In Georgia, if a persons body fluids test positive for a drug, they

can be charged with possession, even though no drug was actually found in

their physical possession. This new patch could be applied to citizens and

could then be used as the basis for their subsequent arrest.


"We now know that the idea of the future as a 'better world' was a fallacy

of the doctrine of progress." German novelist Thomas Mann, 1938


Book: Century's End- For some inexplicable reason, reports of multiple

personalities in the annals of psychological literature increase as each

century draws to a close. Multiple personalities resurfaced during the

1790's, the 1890's, and now, during the 1990's.


Wire Taps of the Future

Police state: Digital telephone transmission technology makes it

harder for wiretappers to listen in to conversations. As a result, the FBI

and the Justice Department want a law to require the phone companies to re

transmit the conversations of any individual named in a court order. These

conversations would be transmitted to a monitoring facility.

Anti-counterfeiting technology

Cannon color copiers have a feature that traces counterfeiters of

original documents. Each copier imbeds a code into the copied image, which

is impossible to see. A special scanner extracts the code and a computer

program then furnishes the copier's serial number, allowing identification

of the registered purchaser of the machine.

Video Vigilantes

The latest thing in citizen's action against crime is Vigilante

video. This is where private citizens drive around with video cameras,

aiming them at anyone who appears to be engaged in illegal activities, such

as street-corner drug-dealing and prostitution. -Jeffrey Dahlmer's home


Americans are becoming the most watched people on earth. Our

technology is stripping away all layers of privacy. We are slowly becoming

a nation of voyeurs.


Super Car


Simms Industries Inc., which specializes in defense system

engineering, has developed an automobile security system called the

Protector. The Protector system emphasizes protection of the driver over

and above protection of the vehicle. It is designed so that all a person

has to do is push a button and they get help. It will initially cost

$2500-$3,000 dollars. The system includes a mobile unit with a receiver, a

cellular telephone, antennas, a remote control and a central office that is

staffed by operators and equipped with computer and communication

equipment. The mobile unit is activated by an electronic key coded to let

the central office know the identity of the vehicle and also a physical

description of the driver. The control box inside the vehicle has four

buttons that can signal an operator to call police, fire, medical or

emergency road services for help. When a button a pressed, a long-range

navigation system (LORAN) is triggered, allowing the vehicle to be tracked

on computer-generated maps of streets anywhere in the nation. The central

office can listen to conversations within the vehicle and communicate with

the driver over a speaker phone. The communication center can trigger

flashing lights, alarms, or even shut off the vehicle's ignition.


Symptoms of a changing/decaying society.....


America, Then and Now

William Bennet has compiled a list of Leading Cultural Indicators: trends

from 1960 to 1990: the US population increased 41% and the gross domestic

product nearly tripled. At the same time, violent crime increased 560%,

illegitimate births increased by more than 400 percent, the divorce rate

quadrupled, the teen suicide rate increased by 200 percent, and SAT scored

dropped by 80 points.


Harper's Index, February 1991

* Number of Americans robbed or assaulted last year by people impersonating

police officers: 25,000.

* Percentage change, since 1982, in the number of juveniles arrested for

homicide in the USA: +93.


Book: The Universal Almanac, 1993, John W. Wright, Gen. Editor

Pg. 233: The United States is the most violent industrialized democracy in

the world.

* In 1990, there were 20,045 murders in the USA. This was a 9% increase

over the year before.




The world is destabilizing. There is no doubt about it. Virtually every

aspect of human and planetary reality is in flux.

The weather is behaving erratically all across the globe. Flood and

drought are just two symptoms of destabilization. What results is too much

precipitation in one place and too little in another. Storms are also

becoming more powerful. Meteorologists are predicting so-called

superstorms, both now, and in the future.

Continent-sized holes are appearing in the ozone layer.

Earthquake and volcanic activity has increased all across the

globe. In the early 1980's, long-dormant volcanoes began to awaken. Fires

rage all over the planet. Vast segments of the earth's plant life has been

wiped out. Rivers and oceans ooze corruption. Smoke fills the atmosphere.

The end of time. The shattering of the lens through which we view

this curious arrangement of circumstances and events which we call reality.

Twentieth-century mankind is undergoing a rude awakening from the

illusion of our era as if from a great, collective dream. The most

fundamental elements of our perceived world are suddenly called into


A couple sit and sip their cappuccino on a terrace overlooking the

Mediterranean sea. It's an awesome vista as broad as the eye can see. A

dark spot appears in the distance and begins to grow like a tiny

triangular-shaped cloud. The woman, with her enhanced peripheral vision, is

the first to spot it. The man looks in the direction she's pointing to see

a what appears to be a delta-winged aircraft high in the sky, diving at a

45-degree angle toward the earth below. But there is something odd about

this manifestation, it's behavior is quite unlike any known aircraft. This

shape appears to enlarge in magnitudes as it plunges across the sky. The

gaze shifts from the tip of the plunging shape to its colored wake, which

is only now forming coherent, recognizable patterns.

A sudden shock of complete disbelief ripples the mind's surface,

quickly followed by horrified recognition of the impossibility revealed in

the craft's widening wake. Lo! The aircraft is no craft at all, but a

wedge-shaped rip in the sky. A tear which is rapidly opening up and peeling

away like tired wallpaper on a steamy bathroom wall. Life's illusion laid

bare by a rent in the fabric of reality. The couple look at one another in

stunned terror as they realize that what they have known and grown to

regard as reality is no more real than a painted backdrop. Reality has

ripped and in doing so revealed itself as the ultimate trompe l'oel.

Book: Cambodia: a book for people who find television too slow,

by Brian Fawcett.


Thought-trends: Conceptual baubles of our age.

Most ideas have limited life spans. Ideas are born to die. Ideas

flow through the collective consciousness like freely-circulating computer

software. The prevailing ideas of our age are like free-form programs which

merely suggest rather than issuing strings of commands, as computer

software does. The majority of humans behave in accordance with freely

circulating ideas and concepts which comprise collective reality.


Ramsey Clark

Ramsey Clark recently spoke at the Religious Life Symposium at

Emory University. Clark was Attorney General during the Kennedy/Johnson


"Ye shall know truth, and it shall make you free." "We act on truth

as we perceive it. We live in a time that is saturated with information,

misinformation, and deception. Democracy requires an informed people. We'll

not be free unless we demand the truth." "The real question in human

survival is whether we can see the truth in time." His book: The Fire Next



Book: Manufactured Consent, by Noam Chomsky.

Data is being collected. Devices say we are compliant. If they say we are

guilty, we're guilty! Noise is defined and excluded from the system. Modern

technocamoflage requires that data masquerade as noise. Its effectiveness

depends on the ability of data to masquerade as noise.


Digital technology breaks reality into pieces. Analog reality is sampled at

a specified number of times per second and is electronically stored. The

sampling rate determines the quality (how accurate it is compared to the

original) of the recording. Analog is holistic in nature, while digital is

fragmented and manufactured. As dataflow volume increases, sampling rate

diminishes. Thus,the depth and texture of media reality also diminishes.


The most quickly changing aspect of the human mind is the speed at

which it must operate. Life used to pass at a walking pace. Now it moves at

a dead run. Modern man is bombarded with information coming in from all

angles. There is little idle time for the mind to rest.


Terrence Mckenna tonight entitled True Hallucinations.

Mckenna sez: Loquatious mushrooms have spun a myth and issued a prophecy,

in quite specific detail, or a planet-saving global shift of consciousness.

He claims that much of his musing is tongue-in-cheek but I think he may be

tuned in to something on a cyberspatial sideband due to the


Geneticists tell us that only a small quantity of our genetic code

is actually used in the process of making us what we are. The rest, they

theorize, is atavistic junk dating back to the primordial soup. However,

this unused genetic code may actually represent some vast potentiality

waiting to be unlocked by the proper chemical key.

"Why I and my companions have been selected to understand and trigger the

gestalt wave of understanding that will be unleashing the hyperspatial


Pg. 101: My companions and I have been given the peculiar privilege of

knowing that history will end."

Pg. 102: "...the real antichrist is the distorted reflection of Christ at

the end of time in the cosmic Adam-anthropos.

Triggering the eschatology: is this syncretism, or prophecy?



Gunshots in the Night


Things have changed here in Decatur. This is no longer the safe

little town on the outskirts of Atlanta. Now, when I walk around at night,

it is not at all unusual to hear gunshots in the distance. It doesn't make

me feel very secure to know that somewhere out there, someone is firing a

gun at something or somebody. The shooting has become just another night

sound, like the rumble of a passing train or the whine of a passenger jet



Book: Out of Control, Global turmoil on the eve of the twenty-first

century, by Zbigniew Brzezinski (Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor).

Brzezinski says that during the 20th century, only 167 million people (less

than 1,670,000 per year) were deliberately extinguished through politically

motivated carnage. Brzezinski sees more of the same in the years to come.





Book: Race Wars, by William Pannel : rough notes:

This book calls for communication and understanding between the races so

that a race war can be averted.

W.E.B. Dubois prophesied that the end of the century would end in a race war


Our society is in the grip of a pathology of violence. * Gang membership is

at an all-time high. * The Norman Rockwell-type police of our father's age

have been replaced by trained killers. Police violence is widespread.


Book: Technopoly, by Neil Postman

Book: When Time Shall Be No More, prophecy belief in modern American

culture, by Paul Boyer.


Changes in the way we perceive the world.......

Book: Michael Talbot: The Holographic Universe

Pg.5: In 1987, physicist Robert G. John and clinical psychologist

Brenda J. Dunne, both at Princeton University, announced that after a

decade of rigorous experimentation by their Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory, they had accumulated unequivocal evidence that the mind can psychically interact with physical reality. More specifically they found that through mental concentration alone, human beings are able to affect the way certain machines operate.


Too much information results in sensory shutdown/meltdown.......

It is not the barrenness of an empty room, or an empty life that we speak,

we would get rid of clutter, and thus get room for fullness.

-Robert Henri, 1923



Decrease in Human Fertility....

Discover Magazine, February 1993

Decreasing Human Sperm Count

Pg. 12: Danish researchers reviewed 61 semen studies conducted worldwide

since 1938 and found evidence of an alarming decline in testicular

productivity. The average ejaculate volume has dropped from 3.40

milliliters (.92 fluidram or .69 teaspoon) in the 1940's to 2,75

milliliters today; a decline of nearly 20%. The average sperm count has

fallen more than 40%, from 113 million sperm per milliliter to 66 million.

Thus, today's average man only launches 180 million sperm cells at a go.

Niels Skakkebaeck, an endocrinologist at the Rigshospitalet in

Copenhagen points out that both the USA and Europe has seen a marked

increase in testicular cancer since 1940, as much as fourfold in some




The Emergence of Uncurable Diseases

New England Journal of Medicine: In a report with "ominous implications for

public health, researchers warned today that even the best treatments and

best hospitals are often unable to cure drug-resistant tuberculosis.

Doctors at the most prestigious TB treatment center, The National Jewish

Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine in Denver, say 44% of the

patients treated there for drug-resistant TB either die of suffer relapses.


The high mortality rate is not due to AIDS infections because all

of the TB cases studied were from 1973-1983, well before AIDS became

widespread in the US population.


Impact of Technology on prevailing belief systems.....


FAXes to God

News: A new service of the Israeli national telephone company, Bezek, is a

personalized FAX to God. Bezek publicizes a number in Jerusalem to which

believers can send prayers via FAX machine. A Bezek employee will take the

copy of the prayer and stuff it into a crevice in the (Western (or Wailing)

Wall, the only part of the ancient Jewish temple still standing in the

city. According to tradition, prayers stuffed in the wall are likely to be

answered affirmatively by God.


Catholic Fax-a-Confession

News: a new confession box is to be unveiled in May, at Italy's

annual church fair in Vincaza. It will provide people with the option of

confessing the sins of lust, greed, and omission by fax machine.


Police State mentality

The US Supreme Court has issued a ruling that says, in effect, that the

Constitution allows an innocent man wrongfully convicted of a capital crime

to be put to death. Justice Blackmun said that he ruling is close to having

the court sanction "simple murder."


Magazine: Prison Life:

Pg. 27 "Incarcerations of women increased 261% since 1980. Of the 823,414

inmates incarcerated in state and federal prisons, females accounted for

47,691, or 5.8% in 1991."

More than one half (of women prisoners) are incarcerated for

non-violent and property related crimes.

"Between 1980 and 1989, there was a 307% increase in women arrested

for drug crimes."

"The typical female offender is under 30, African-American,

unemployed, with a high school education."


Colorado: "More than double the usual number of prisoners waived

their rights to parole hearings this year, opting to serve out their

sentences. Colorado prison director Frank Gunter says, 'with the economy

the way it is, some of them feel they are better off in prison than on the



"Oklahoma state representative Ernset Istook proposed tattooing all

convicted felons for easy identification and implanting transmitters within

the felon's bodies to better track their movements."


Slave Labor

On of the functions of the American Correctional Association is to

organize conventions that market prison industry products. "The corrections

industry growth is phenomenal. The number of inmates in the nation's

prisons, jails, and detention facilities recently topped 1.2 million. With

this growth in mind, the American Correctional Association has unlimited

opportunities for your company to profit from this industry."


The U.S. penitentiary in Marion, Illinois has been called "Robo Prison."

According to the warden, "Marion contains the most vicious, predatory and

intractable convicts in out penal system today." Marion is also where many

U.S. political prisoners are kept. The prisoners spend 23 hours a day

alone, in a 7x8-foot cell, under lockdown. Any time a prisoner leaves his

cell he is strip searched, his orifices probed, then he is handcuffed,

chained and escorted by two guards. Marion prison is the most

psychologically oppressive environments devised by man. Amnesty

International charges that Marion's techniques amount to a special system

of psychological brutality.

According to Prison Life, robo-prisons like Marion are becoming

more prevalent. Control units are the "most troubling aspect of the human

rights situation in the U.S. prison system."


Book: Prosperity Lost, by Philip Mattera

* Pg. 136: The annual divorce rate has gone from approximately 10 per

100,000 in 1960, to more than 20 per 100k today.

* The portion of births to unmarried women has jumped from 5.3% in 1960 to

10.7% in 1970, to 24.5% in 1987. For blacks, the rate is 62%.

* Rise in female-headed households: 1960 =3D 1 in 6. 1990 =3D 1 in 4.

* 45% of black households are headed by women.

* in 1960, 38% of women were in the workforce. In 1990, 60% are in the




The Future of Social Control:


Brave New World Revisited: Epsilons: the not-so-bright-ones.

The problem with today's breed of free-roving American retards is

that many of them are either criminally insane or virtually useless when it

comes to performing menial jobs. However, this situation could be vastly

improved through the production of genetically-designed drones who are both

uniform in temperament, emotionally stable and who also possess exceptional

memories so that they may be easily trained. What the world needs is a vast

horde of retards who desire nothing more than the privilege of working

themselves to death for the common good.


Life-force Entropy

Each day in America, hundreds of thousands of birds and mammals are

slaughtered for food. Tons of fish are killed and processed. Each day, huge

numbers of abandoned pets are killed in government-operated animal

shelters. Each day, countless squirrels, possums, raccoons, birds, deer and

assorted pets are killed by automobiles. Each day, thousands of people die

in hospitals. The rate of births and deaths has never been higher. Most

animals used for food only get to live a fraction of their normal

life-spans. This further increases the life-entropy. Every time a life is

cut short, the flow-through increases.

Within the next century, more than five billion people will die.

Average human weight of 150 pounds x 5,000,000,000 =3D 750,000,000,000 pounds of human flesh. 750,000,000,000 / 2,000 =3D 375,000,000 tons of human flesh.

Within the next 100 years, mankind will have to figure out a way to

dispose of 375 million tons of human flesh.

If each person requires approximately 1500 calories of food per

day, and the average person's life span is 70 years, then 38,325,000

calories are required to sustain one person over the span of hisherit


38325000*5000000000 =3D 1.9162517



* 16 tons of food will feed 32,000 people for one day:

(1 pound of food per person).

Five billion people now live on planet earth.

5,000,000,000 divided by 2,000 equals

two million, five hundred thousand tons of food per day.


Over the span of 70 years,

one person will consume approximately 12 tons of food.

According to "Network Earth," it takes one thousand gallons of water to

produce every pound of food we eat.


Earth mass =3D 5.976 x 10^27g; volume =3D 1.083 x 10^27cu cm


Dr. Charles P. Kindleburger is an 82-year-old professor emeritus of

economics at MIT who is a stock market historian. He says that 60 years of

studying manias back to the Middle Ages has taught him that "people don't

learn from their mistakes. We forget."




Semi-Relevant quotes



"In Buddhist writings, mention is often made of "the abyss of birth". An

abyss indeed, a gulf into which we do not fall but from which, instead, we

emerge, to our universal chagrin."


"Each generation lives in the absolute: it behaves as if it had reached the

apex if not the end of history."

--E.M. Cioran French Philosopher. Aphorisms:


"When they made a desert, they called it peace." -Tacitus


"Hell is truth seen too late." -John Locke


"Forced with the choice of changing one's mind and proving there's no need

to do so, everyone gets busy on the proof."

-John Kenneth Galbraith


"There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in action."-Goethe


"The new always comes in with a sense of violation, of sacrilege. What is

dead is sacred; what is new, that is different, is evil, dangerous or

subversive." -Henry Miller


"Delusions, errors and lies are like huge, gaudy vessels, the

rafters of which are rotten and worm eaten, and those who embark on them

are fated to be shipwrecked." -Buddha


"Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality, the cost becomes

prohibitive." -Wm. Buckley


"It requires a very unusual mind to make an analysis of the

obvious." -A.N. Whitehead


"Our wretched species is so made that those who walk on the well-trodden

path throw stones at those who are showing a new road."



"For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as

though they were realities, and are often more influenced by the things

that seem than by those that are." -Machiavelli


"When a man dies, he does not just die of the disease he has, he

dies of his whole life."



"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and

catastrophe." -H.G. Wells


"We are continually living a solution of problems that reflection

cannot hope to solve." -J.H. Van den Berg


"The heterodoxy of one generation is the orthodoxy of the next."

-Edith Hamilton, author of "The Greek Way"


* In medicine as in life, until the mind has been prepared to see

something, it will pass unnoticed, as invisible as if it did not exist.

-Ovid, ancient Roman poet.



The most significant transitions involve a time in Hell.


* Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be

changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.

-Saint Paul, the



Buddha got his enlightenment instantly, in a flash, but only after

he had studied for fourteen years.


* I claim not to have controlled events but confess plainly that events

have controlled me. -Abraham Lincoln April 4, 1864


*Thus in the days of fables, after the floods and deluges, there came

fourth from the soil armed men who exterminated each other.

- Montesquieu Espirit, Book XXXII


* Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.

-Soren Kierkegaard


* Every man bears his death within himself, as the fruit bears the stone.

-Ranier Maria Rilke


* Do you not see how necessary a world of pain and trouble is to school an

intelligence and make it a soul? -John Keats, Letters


* We do not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making

the darkness conscious. -C.G. Jung


* Observe constantly that all things take place by change and accustom

thyself to consider that the nature of the universe loves nothing so much

as to change the things which are, and to make new things of them.

-Marcus Aurelius


* The mad mind does not halt. If it halts, it is enlightenment.

-Chinese Zen Saying


* To see truth, contemplate all phenomena as a lie. -Thaganapa


* Molecular psychology represents the most fundamental heresy ever

committed by science, and we will have to embrace it. We will have to look

into the mirror, surrender illusion, and make peace with the fact that

we're staring at a machine. -John Franklin, Molecules of the Mind


* The world is ruled by letting things take their course.

-Lao Tzu


* Our reason has driven all away. Alone at last, we end up by ruling over a


-Albert Camus


You dream you are the doer,

You dream that action is done.

You dream that action bears fruit.

It is your ignorance, it is the world's

delusion that gives you these Dreams.

-Bhagavad Gita


* We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.

-George Bernard


* A nation never fails but by suicide. -Ralph Waldo Emerson


* Almost two thousand years and no new god! -Friedrich Nietzsche


* Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running

money! Molloch whose fingers are ten armies! Molloch whose breast is a

cannibal dynamo! Molloch whose ear is a smoking tomb! -Allen Ginsberg


* Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological


-Albert Einstein


*There is nothing constant in the universe. All ebb and flow, and every

shape that's born, bears in its womb the seeds of change.

-Ovid, Metamorphoses


*There are two fundamental laws underlying physical change in the universe.

One is the law of polar reversal. In all things we see the seeds of their

opposites...The other law of change is periodicity. This law manifests in

cycles and rhythms.

-From The I-Ching Workbook, by R.L. Wing


*"I think we are living in an age of increasing polarization."

-E.F. Schumacher


*"The psychopath may indeed be the perverted and dangerous front-runner on a new kind of personality which could become the central expression of

human nature before the twentieth century is over."

-Norman Mailer, "The White Negro," in Voices of Dissent-1958


*"Paradoxically as it may seem, modern industrial society, in spite of an

incredible proliferation of labor-saving devices, has not given people more

time to devote to their all-important spiritual tasks; it has made it

exceedingly difficult for anyone, except the most determined, to find any

time whatever for these tasks." -E.F. Schumacher


* Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come.

-Victor Hugo